Prologue: The Wrong Side of the Tracks

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A/N: Hello, all. To be clear, this is a prologue to give you a taste of Bryce's Story before September. Everyone may or may not be interested to see it, but if you are, please be patient and wait until then. It's not like I'm putting it on hold for 3 years. All in all, Infinity Train was so very popular in my house, we had a theater night, watching the premiere of the first two episodes like we were watching a movie, with popcorn, candy, and soda, all that jazz. :) Anyway, as far as my OC, he will be portrayed by Jensen Ackles. I hope you enjoy the preview. :)

It all started one night as the moon shone on a train station that went from one location to another as a bullet train zipped by a crowd of pedestrians who were waiting for it to make a complete stop. As the pedestrians were waiting, the doors just opened slowly to let everyone that was in the car out before the crowd that was waiting went inside. Amidst the crowd that stepped in was a young man with brown hair wearing a jean jacket and black pants. Unlike the other pedestrians, he seemed to be more frantic about his destination, though he tried to hide it in order to blend in. With what he's dealing with, the young man felt it best to hide it from everyone else. After all, how else could they respond to what he aims to do but to try and stop him? They just couldn't nor would they need to understand why he needs to do it: it was simply the only way. And the call on his phone verified the issue as he reached in his pocket and answered it as he spoke to the caller.


"Where are you, kid? Me and Vinny have been waiting ten minutes for ya."

From the tone of his voice, the young man could tell that he was getting anxious. Although it was for different reasons, he'd understand. He didn't think he ever had to do this in his whole life, yet here he was.

"Calm down, Vic. I'll be there. Do you understand how long the commute is this late at night?"

"Sure. As long as you understand that the boss will put you six feet under if you back out."

At this point, this threat meant nothing to him. He could care less about what happens to himself. Heck, he couldn't even remember to clean his room. However, that didn't mean he had no reason to do this. The only people he worried about at the moment... were his parents. He didn't know how they got hurt the way they did, other than it was an accident. But whether or not it was, he didn't want to wait for them to die as he replied more coldly to him.

"I'll be there. Just keep your pants on, alright?"

As the young man ended the call, he just took a deep breath, trying to stop himself from blowing up in the crowd. That would lead to a great compromise in the plan, the least of it being several eyes gazing at him. Of course, he could tell them he's had a rough day, but there was a chance that most people would find him suspicious and then he'd be booted off. It's almost like a punishment for being human. Regardless, if he wanted this to work, he needed to stay away from being human for a while. However, the next call he received made it more difficult as he saw a picture of an elderly woman with short brown hair in a bowl cut style, a blue-green shirt, and blue pants before he answered it.


"Hello, Bryce. Are you doing okay?"

His name was Bryce Gideon. He was a 16-year-old young man, just in the end of his Sophomore years. He didn't always have good grades, but in those moments, he could count on his mother and father for help. He could always count on them to help him with things he couldn't do himself. And he always enjoyed their support. At least, that was before... the incident.

One night, they ended up in a car accident on their way back from their date. The news struck the boy and his grandmother to the core. Fortunately, they survived, but equally unfortunately, the medical expenses turned out to be bigger than anyone in the family could pay. This gave Bryce a rude awakening: he couldn't always count on everyone helping him. So it was high time that he learned to help himself, hence his necessary action that he felt the need to inform his grandmother about as he replied.

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