Epilogue: Back on Track

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They were home. After five months on their harsh journey, Bryce and Penny had finally gotten off the train. The older brother didn't expect to feel the soft wind on his face as their exit vanished behind them. This wind was one of the things he missed back home, along with his parents, his grandmother, and his whole family. He'd been gone for so long, he almost didn't believe it was possible. Almost...

"I can't believe it. I'm back home."

As for Penny, she marveled at how wide the neighborhood stretched out. It was no different from her Paradise Car. It struck her as amazing that the train itself could've managed to replicate this world almost perfectly. But she knows that this isn't the train anymore; she's in Bryce's world now.

"So this is how the real world feels, huh?"


Bryce and Penny looked back to the door in front of them. They'd made the effort to get there and succeeded. Now, they were wondering about the next phase: what to do with their new lives. On one hand, Bryce could check back on his parents at the hospital, if only to let them know how sorry he is. On the other hand, his grandma must be worried sick to death over him. Either way, it can't be easy. Bryce was trying to decide which one to try first as Penny took his hand before she pondered aloud to him.

"So, what now?"

Seeing Penny looking up to him, Bryce remembered the first thing about her. She is still a little kid, even after the growth the train had to give her. While he knew she could take care of herself, it wouldn't be right to leave her out on the street. It was obvious what to do first.

"Now... you get to meet your new grandma."

Bryce and Penny went up to the front door of the house before he knocked on it. After he did, Bryce looked over to his little sister and felt it best to give her a warning. Given her usual temperament, Bryce had a feeling she'd be past worrying and be more mad than happy with him.

"Oh, there's something you should know about her, Penny. She tends to get angry sometimes. And with how long I've been gone, this might be one of those times. So try not to be scared, okay?"

Penny gave him a nod just as the door opened. Like Bryce suspected, his Grandma Becky was behind it. Her eyes suddenly widened upon seeing the face she never thought she'd see again. Bryce suspected he knew what was coming as he spoke in an awkward tone.

"Uh... hi, Grandma."

Grandma Becky didn't say any word to him. She just stood there in shock. Her eyes even began to shed tears, streaming them down as Bryce tried to apologize, no matter what wrath he should expect from her.

"I-I know I've been gone a long time. And I know you probably hate me for making you worry so much. But I just want you to know that... I'm sorry."

Bryce waited for it. He waited to hear her angry shouting that she was known for. After what he did, Bryce felt he deserved it. However, what he got in return was quite the opposite. Becky's arms quickly wrapped themselves around him as she wept softly on his chest.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I'm just so happy you're alive..."

Bryce didn't know what to say. He expected her to be angry. She always has been known for it. But instead of her furious outburst that was supposed to scold him for making her worry so much, he received a longing hug. Bryce responded with his own hug to his grandmother, allowing her to feel his own comfort that went missing for too long. It was then that Grandma Becky noticed the little girl herself, and it was a surprise to say the least. Penny wasn't sure if her brother's description should be taken at face value as she raised her hand.

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