Chapter XVI: The Matchmaking Car

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A/N: Hello. :) I'm back at it again. Sorry it took so long, but I had to watch Book Three of Infinity Train to determine where my story could go after Emma's Story. And after that finale, let's just say I'm conflicted. On one hand, I felt that Simon got what he deserved, but on the other, I felt he deserved better. That's just how well-written he is. But you can expect a darker turn in my version of Book Three: "The Apex Predator". It may be a long while before I get it off the ground, though, as I have to take care of the rest of the books. Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter I set up. It may not be what some of you had in mind, but I feel this to be a "calm before the storm" type of episode, in which case the storm will be The Ball Pit Car. And that particular chapter will hit HARD. Trust me.

It was one crazy ride after another. They've been through who knows how many cars in the past 4 and a half months. And after all that, their numbers got as close to zero as they could get. From what EVE told them, their numbers are the key to getting back home. And if the cat was to be believed, it was because the train thought they were doing well. And it was from that information that they realized what the Train took them here for. They were here because they needed to be.

The train's whole purpose was to make one reflect on their problems and to encourage them to fix it. Apparently, if they do just that, their numbers would go down. But they never got to know what could happen if they did the opposite. Curious as they were, though, they decided it best not to tempt fate. But the one thing they couldn't figure out for sure was what happens when it gets to zero. For now, the only one who'd know the answer for sure is the Conductor.

Like Tulip's logic stated, every train had one. And considering how far the train itself is, it may very well take a hundred times the 4-and-a-half months they traveled. But for now, they're still going forward, like they've always done. But it's hard not to look back on what they've done to get where they are, especially more so with their most recent car. Tulip and the others were exiting the car that held wedding cakes as far as the eye could see as Bryce looked at his phone. Though, he took a bit of time to look up to Bailey as it was her knowhow that helped charge up his phone despite the lack of his charger.

"Thanks for charging my phone up, Bailey. I was wondering how to do that in this train."

"No problem. I'm just surprised Tulip's hasn't gone dead yet."

Bryce didn't find it too easy to know how. She'd kept it turned off since she got on this train until she got Bobby's number. Thinking back on it, he wondered if she got the chance to talk to him. He wanted to ask that, but it seemed to be intrusive. After putting out the thought of it, Bryce looked back to his phone.

He was looking through the photos he'd taken since he got in this car, by Bailey's recommendation, that is. She's been out of her life for six years, so Bailey figured it was time to make memories; and boy did they make them. In the picture where Penny had cake for the first time, she had a crazy sugar rush that made her hyper like a monkey in a jungle gym. Poor Bailey couldn't catch her, and neither could Tulip or Atticus. When she got her first sugar crash in the next picture, Penny wanted to lay down due to her being tired. So, Tulip, Bryce, Bailey, One-One, Atticus and Ava joined in and did cake angels with her while Rexy held the phone (in which case it was fortunate that Tulip used her multitool to clip them). Then, he took a look at his most recent picture.

It was a shot of him and Tulip acting as the bride and groom (this time, it was One-One's idea). Bailey and Ava were Tulip's best women while Atticus and Rexy were Bryce's best men, Penny was the flower girl, and One-One was holding the camera. The two of them couldn't hide their blushes as they looked into the camera. They didn't exactly dress the part, and the flowers were mainly the pink icing on the cake, but it still looked romantic, nonetheless. In fact, looking at this photo made Bryce blush deeper than beet red. Before he could look longer, Tulip's voice spoke up.

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