Chapter IX: The Unfinished Car

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A/N: And here it is, the next chapter of Act Two. :) Oh, and just so you know, there'll be a special surprise at the end of this episode, so keep your eyes open. :)

Act II - Chapter IX: The Unfinished Car

Almost a week had gone by since Tulip and Bryce escaped the cat's trap. By going inside their tapes, they'd relived through every terrible piece of their memories. They had no choice, really. To try to picture them any differently than how they happened would mean to lose yourself in a past that never happened. But it wasn't entirely a bad thing.

Through looking in each other's memories, Tulip and Bryce made a first step to try to get together despite their falling out after the Jungle Car. While they distrusted the cat even more as a result, their trust in each other was building back up ever so slightly. Along the way, their feelings for each other began to grow as well, though neither one of them was inclined to speak further on them yet. To know that they cared about each other was enough for them, at least for now. But that didn't mean the course of their relationship would be smooth sailing.

The two of them came out of the spa car alongside One-One (who had cucumber slices on where his eyes are), Atticus (whose fur got puffed up from the humidity), and Penny (who had her hair frizzy as it was practically an afro) as Tulip had a white towel around her neck as Bryce had it on his left shoulder. The former was giving a content sigh as she'd found an exit out of that car, relaxing as it was, much to Sad One's disappointment.

"Ahh. I think it's safe to say we took care of that Spa Car. Sorry we had to bail on that salt scrub, but if we want to get anywhere, we better get moving."

"I'll never get my youthful glow back..."

While the cucumber slices fell off of One-One, Bryce checked up with Penny and Atticus, considering their hairy situation.

"Well, how about you guys? You doing okay?"

Penny gave a chuckle to her older brother as she played with her hair.

"My hair's so crazy."

"I can tell. Let me fix that up real quick."

Bryce then used his hand to ruffle her hair back to normal while Atticus shook himself to get the bath water off of him, turning his fur back to normal as he voiced his opinion on this car.

"I think your people may have a different definition of relaxation. They didn't even give us kerchiefs when we were finished."

Then, Penny had something to ask to Bryce that proved a bit sensitive.

"So, when are you going to tell her?"

Instantly, Bryce's face turned beet red, afraid of what she meant by it before he replied to her with an inquiry.

"Uh... hopefully never."


"Because I don't feel comfortable telling her that, Penny."

Unfortunately, Tulip overheard their conversation as she joined in.

"Telling me what?"

Penny, being as young as she is, didn't see any harm in telling her what seemed to be something embarrassing for Bryce to speak of.

"When you were done with your massage, Bryce saw you na—"

Before Penny could finish, Bryce covered his little sister's mouth in his desperation but it was too late. Tulip began to blush herself, realizing what she was talking about.

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