Chapter VIII: The Cat's Car

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A/N: Hi, everyone. This is my first chapter of Act Two for Bryce's Story. I didn't really consider the Act One or Act Two kind of thing until the last chapter, but here it is. Also, I happened to come across quite a load of unused music for Infinity Train in general, and they are spectacular, though I only listened to about two of them. If you have some ideas for what track could be used in what situation, please P.M. me or send a review about it. Thank you. :)

It had been quite some time since Bryce, Tulip, Penny, One-One, and Atticus survived the terror of the Fear Car. Never before had they entered such a place where one's own fears could strike in a place so vulnerable. Even One-One was petrified of the place. But its terrors are behind them, now. Now, they can finally go forward again. Moving on from what they learned, though, would be a challenge.

Since finding out what he'd done prior to getting on the train, Tulip lost her trust in Bryce. Because of this, while Penny, One-One, and Atticus were willing to forgive him (though the little girl wasn't so willing at first), he's working harder to gain that trust back, one car at a time. Gradual, however it was, there was progress on the way, and it put an ease to their already strained relationship. And on the way, they forged other relationships as well. For example, they'd just exited the Baseball-Dinosaur car, where they befriended a T-Rex, as well as a few raptors, that needed help with their team to win the game. Penny wanted to stay longer, but they had to move on, so they had to bid them adieu. Tulip was the first to do so as she waved to them with Bryce and Penny while Atticus took a bow.

"Thank you! We'll never forget you!"

"Hope you guys have a great time!"


Grateful for their meaningful goodbyes, the T-Rex roared as he returned a wave with one of his small arms just as the door closed. With another car out of the way, Atticus tried to recall what his name was. Unfortunately, it seemed like Tulip, Bryce, and Penny had the same luck as he did.

"What was that fellow's name again?"

"I kind of already forgot."

"Wasn't his name... Rex?"

"Uh-uh. It was... um..."

Noticing how stumped Penny was, Tulip saw where this was going.

"You don't know either, do you?"


Although, One-One had an idea for the dinosaur's name, a topic for which Bryce had a note to give to him about.

"Well, I'm gonna call him 'Mildred the Tyrannosaur'."

"Isn't Mildred a girl's name, though?"

Suddenly, the train began to jolt, earning causing Tulip, Bryce, and Penny to exclaim as they noticed the support bars going down. Even worse, the bridge they stood on was beginning to shrink, splitting up in the middle and disappearing as tile after metallic tile began to go backward. Not willing to take the chance of falling off or being ran over, the group immediately ran back to the car they just came from and watched in amazement as the car in front of them moved backward and just as another car directly on top of it was moving forward before stopping just in the space between them and going down. With the otherwise empty space filled, the bridge returned as it connected with the car that just landed in front of them before the support bats sprung back up. Tulip was utterly stricken by this feature while One-One found it exciting. Bryce, on the other hand, felt caution is necessary since the mystery of it could mean anything.

"So cars on the train can just move around?"

"I like it! It feels wild and unpredictable."

"That's what worries me, One-One. You better stay close, Penny."

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