Chapter I: The Orphanage Car

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A/N: Hello. :) I'm so glad you guys appreciated my story. I didn't think I'd get over 200 views on this one chapter by September, but I did. And I feel like you guys have waited long enough for it, so here's a new chapter for my story. After I posted the chapter, between working on stories and working in general as I have a job, I have been workshopping this chapter and taking my time trying to make sure that not a lot about the train and the number are revealed just yet. So, if there's anything wrong with the chapter, or if you have any other ideas for what Car I should add as I plan for it to be longer than the miniseries, please review or PM me at your earliest convenience. Until then, I hope you enjoy it. :)

Chapter I: The Orphanage Car

As Bryce tried to recover his eyesight from the sudden green flash that overwhelmed him, he tried to make out the scenery. During the time that he did, he tried to convince himself that he must be inside the train that stopped by. Maybe it was a serene, old-fashioned type, like the ones in the 1800's, assuming the exterior was anything to go by. Or, taking into account the green flash, it could've been some sort of hype train he heard about. When he regained his eyesight, however, Bryce was appalled to find none of those things. In fact, what he found was something far from any train's interior. When he could see again, he could clearly see... a large, white, and wooden house with a front yard the length of a football field, a blue roof, and a pathway that led to it.

"Huh? What in the world...?"

This threw Bryce for a loop at the time he saw it. The last thing he remembered, he was walking into a train that would take him to the State Hospital before the flash. Could he have been dreaming this? It was possible, and given the surroundings, it seemed to be the only thing to make sense.

"How did I get here? And... why am I here? I was supposed to be headed to— Wait. I've— I've gotta be dreaming."

To test this theory out, Bryce tried to give himself a pinch on his wrist. As a result, he ended up feeling the tight and small squeeze, making him wince before he came to a conclusion.

"Okay. Definitely not dreaming. But wait. If I wasn't dreaming..."

Then the heist he pulled off, the car crash his parents got into that spurred him into it, the fall off of the bank, all of it was real. And if that was the case, then the money he'd taken should be where he last put it. To confirm this, Bryce tried to look in his backpack for the cash. Fortunately, his fears were driven away once he noticed it was still inside. With that in mind, Bryce knew that the only thing to do now is to pay the expenses himself. The only problem was, he still had no clue where he is.

"Okay, so the money is still safe. But... where do I go from there...?"

Where, indeed? He didn't remember seeing anything remotely close to this place in Chicago, or anywhere. That's when he began to develop a crazy idea; did that train take him there by mistake? It must have; it did appear old-fashioned. Whatever the case, whether or not his idea of the train taking him to this place was well-founded, Bryce felt that it would be best to find a way back to Chicago, wherever he is, and pay those medical expenses. But as he tried to think of how to do it, however, Bryce felt the staggering pain on his back and legs, returning in full force as he groaned before he recalled the fall again.

"Oh. Right. Of course, that happened..."

As the pain flowed through him, Bryce tried to place his hand on his head to ride out the headache that arrived along with the back pain. While he tried to recover, he began to wonder if he got a concussion from the fall, too. However, the moment he placed is hand on his head, Bryce noticed an eerie green glow above him. When he pulled his hand down, Bryce was immediately shocked to notice something bizarre on his hand. It was a green number that said "135". Upon seeing this, Bryce was immediately taken aback by this as he spoke.

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