Chapter X: The Arcade Car

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A/N: Hello. Sorry I couldn't post it earlier, but this Monday, I had to do some Christmas Shopping, so I wasn't able to post it in the time of 7:30 on Monday. I hope there's no hard feelings. Anyway, here is the next chapter of Book Two. And as you may or may not know, it'll contain one of the aforementioned characters in the sneak peek from my last chapter. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. :)

Things became curioser and curioser since the Turtle Car. The moment they left the car to progress forward, One-One acted as if he hadn't single-handedly put the car's residents in danger with his need to fix it. They could've easily been concerned, but after five cars, nothing else changed about One-One. Maybe there was a signal in that car that repurposed him somehow? Whatever the case, they didn't have to worry about One-One glitching out again, at least in the near future. However, things weren't all well, as far as Penny is concerned...

Ever since her rescue, Penny was the unwitting subject of Osore's supposed shadow link. None one of them, not even her, suspected it until they came across the bizarre car. Bryce tried to be there for her, but her trauma revolving around her nightmare made it difficult for her to let him. And as a result, the shadow monster that was part of the link began to attack her older brother and trap them in its void. Fortunately, the shadow was thwarted when the brother and sister reconciled. However, Penny's still weary of spilling the beans as to what she saw in that nightmare of hers. It was too personal for her...

Bryce only knew some of it through what she told him in the void, that she felt it was her fault. It made no sense to him about how such a sweet, little girl could be responsible for something she would find too terrible, whatever it may be. Regardless, he, out of all people, knew what it was like to harbor something a secret so devastating that it could drive them apart. So, he decided to let her tell them on her own time. But it's proven longer than he thought.

Almost a month had passed from that Turtle Car incident, and she still didn't open up about it. Maybe it's possible that she'd chosen to forget about what happened in that incomplete car. So far, it seems to be working out. However, little did she know that such luck can never last, at least not forever. Like it or not, the past will come back to haunt her...

The group was just exiting the car, shown to be a vast blue sky and populated by puppy-like cloud creatures that were known for their playfulness, much to Penny's edification as Bryce checked with the group on the head count.

"Okay. Let's do a head count real quick. Tulip?"








"I'm here."

When Bryce looked down to her, he noticed a cloud puppy beside her. Much as it peeved him, Bryce wouldn't blame her. They bothered her way less than the Corgis at Corginia when she met them. It's probably why she brought it with her. Unfortunately, she couldn't be able to bring it with her with Bryce's discretion.

"Come on, Penny. We talked about this."

"Are you sure we can't bring it with us?"

"Penny, it's a huge responsibility to look after a pet. I think you'll need more experience before we even consider letting you get a pet."

Atticus couldn't agree more with Bryce on that point, being a dog himself.

"Bryce does have a point, young Penny. Any canine would be too much for a thirty-six-year old to look after."

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