Chapter XIII: The Resistance Car Part 1

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A/N: Hello, everyone. Sorry I couldn't post it earlier, but this was about the hardest chapter I've ever had to make on this story so far. It was so hard, in fact, that I only got this one part covered. Anyway, here's where they plan to stop the Scarecrows and get things back in order. And you can expect to see how one lives on one side of the fence, as well as some development to occur from those on the other side. Whether they're bad or good, I can't say. But it will mean the outcome in part two of this chapter. And it's not even anywhere close to the end, so be prepared now before you read. But if you insist on reading anyway, just know that you've been warned...

In the hideaway, Penny, Ava, Rexy, Kierra, Dr. West, and the deer (who was sitting on the floor) were at a table as Ms. Tabitha was pacing, trying to come up with a plan to stop the Scarecrows and to save the passengers. After resolving herself to help Tabitha, Kierra had laid out an underground map on the table from her time as their prisoner. She'd escaped before because of the layout she formed in her mind. But during said escape, Varicose found her and attempted to kill her. Of course, he'd failed, seeing as she was still barely in one piece. But it likely wouldn't make them give up without a fight. And after everything Tabitha had done to keep her alive since then, neither would she.

And the stakes were just as high for Penny. Her friends were just taken away by the Scarecrows, and she'd hate to think of what they could be doing to them. As luck would have it, though, she gained some new allies at the same time. Truth be told, she didn't know what would happen after today, but she'd rather not worry about it. All that mattered to her right now was to make sure Tulip and Bryce were safe, the same way they did for her... Meanwhile, Ms. Tabitha was processing what Kierra told her.

"So, you're saying that the passengers were holed up somewhere underground?"

"Yeah. Just underneath the building at the center of the city. We've been told it's to keep us safe from the acid rain."

Rexy and Ava found their word hard to believe, having been in this car as long as they have.

"But we've been in that rain."

"And the least that happened to us was that we got sopping wet."

Tabitha began to see the point Kierra was trying to make. The acid rain she dealt with when the Shutdown happened caused mass carnage to the train and those who dwelled in it. But this rain was different. Dr. West and Tabitha knew it just as well.

"They must be trying to keep everyone from noticing what they're really doing."

"Indeed. The grass is still destroyed, so it's safe to assume that the rain must be damaging them."

"Yeah, but they somehow fixed it so that the acid wouldn't get to them. They must've used the Cube of Creation for it to act differently."

Penny began to get confused with their logic. If all they wanted was the passengers, she didn't see a reason why the rest of the car should be desolate and ruined.

"But why would they mess up the car if they just wanted the passengers?"

Kierra turned to her and gave her a solemn look, having already figured out their endgame.

"It's because the car is so desolate that the passengers who end up here are scared. I know I was. The Scarecrows used it so that they'd get more of us under their thumb. But for what...? Why do they even need us if they treat us so badly?"

Tabitha took notice of Kierra's right hand tightening into a fist. She could tell it was all the more personal for her, and felt it best to settle it quickly. As much as she suffered, Tabitha didn't want Kierra to go through that pain any more than she needed to.

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