Chapter IV: The Corgi Car

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A/N: Hello. I have been getting reviews lately that have question why Penny was added in there and that it took the story down a couple of points, but I assure you, I know what I'm doing. And I intended to add in a character from Steven Universe: The Movie into this, but there's been a change of plans made in order to keep it canon. Don't worry, though. Maybe it'll happen in a future story. In the meantime, there'll be a rare cameo appearance of an old favorite in cartoons, so be sure to read the story in full detail, or you'll miss it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)

After defeating the Cat and rescuing One-One, Bryce and Tulip have decided to get to know each other more, each hoping that they'll last long enough to get to the engine and go to their places of interest. The way to go, as far as Bryce was concerned, was a simple game of twenty questions, in which Tulip would ask him a question first and then Bryce would answer back. Then, it'd go the other way around with Bryce asking her a question with Tulip answering him and vice versa. The game was a great way to pass the time and get to know each other. That is, until the one day when Tulip asked the million-dollar question Bryce was afraid of. Of course, it didn't happen so suddenly; the two of them were on a roll up until the music car, a place where various musical instruments, ranging from the piano bridge to a violin, floated seemingly in the vacuum of space. When it was brought up, Bryce had forgotten about what he was trying to hide as he reacted to a tidbit that Tulip told him.

"What? Really? You actually eat onions?"

"Yeah. It's not my fault I've got a sophisticated palette."

"More like a bizarre palette."

As the banter earned laughter from the two of them, Penny could see how well they were getting along as she smiled. It was a more pleasant change of pace compared to that one argument in the Beach Car. Sad as she was back then, she wasn't oblivious to their shouting as Bryce hoped she was. Penny couldn't make out what they were saying due to how far she was from the two of them, but she could tell back then it wasn't anything good, and that made her worried about what they were doing. So, to see the two of them get along was a good thing for her. Because it meant one step closer to her new family that Ms. Tabitha worked so hard to give her. Just then, One-One, who was currently being held in her hands, piped up gladly about her smile.

"It's nice to see you happy again, Ms. Penny. It always makes me happy."

"Thanks, One-One."

As Penny looked back to the two of them, she took notice of their numbers on their hands. The first she heard about those sort of people from Ms. Tabitha, they're a risk because one can never tell if they're good or bad. That's why she became worried about them at first. And it didn't really help her case of shyness, either, not that she noticed the number on his hand when she first saw him. Whatever the case, Penny's grateful that they turned out to be nice people. Although, One-One couldn't tell what she was thinking as he spoke in his glad voice.

"What are you thinking about, Ms. Penny?"

"Well... I'm just wondering... how do you know if people are good or bad when they have numbers?"

"Why do you ask?"

"When the kitty took you away, they were shouting at each other. It made me really scared... you don't think they're bad people, do you?"

This gave One-One good for thought as he looked at how Tulip and Bryce were enjoying themselves. Seeing oddly nothing to be concerned about, One-One looked back up to Penny before he spoke in his glad and sad voices.

"Well, nobody's perfect. They'll have their ups and downs. But beyond that, they seem fine."

"Worst-case scenario, they'll probably put their lives on the line for you."

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