Chapter II: The Grid Car

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A/N: Hello. :) I'm thankful for all your reviews that you gave me so far, and I appreciate the positive feedback. But don't forget, you can suggest an additional car in this story in either a review or a P.M. and I'll take those ideas in consideration. Also, to reiterate, Bryce would be voiced by Jensen Ackles, though I guess I can see how Jeremy Shada voiced him, too. Maybe I'll have him portray a younger Bryce in the future. Other than that, I also realized that I forgot to credit his parents' voices. So, they will consist of Jennifer Paz for his mother and Josh Keaton for his father. Other than that, I can guarantee that this is the chapter you waited for. I hope you all enjoy it. :)

As Bryce and Penny looked at the outside of the train, they were awestruck with how big the locomotive seemed to be as the former saw it last at the size of the usual train he took in Chicago. Another thing that caught their eye was the landscape. It appeared to be a desert, almost a wasteland that happened as a result of some nuclear explosion. Now, Penny never saw such things before, so she was easily nervous as she buried her head onto his jean jacket. Bryce, on the other hand, was far from it: he was overwhelmed.

"That's the train? I remembered it being smaller than this."

Knowing how she tried to warn him about the dangers beyond the safety of her car, Ms. Tabitha tried to remind Bryce of what she spoke to him.

"I tried to warn you. Things won't always be the way you think they are. This train is no exception."

"Oh. Right."

"And one more thing: no matter what happens, even if it stops, you must never set foot off this train."

Hearing this warning, Bryce felt it was somewhat foreboding. And judging from her concerned tone, it wasn't a warning to take lightly. Although, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Everything around him and the train was a wasteland, so it's not like there was a way home anywhere out there. Still, he decided to acknowledge it as he spoke.

"I'll keep that in mind."

As Bryce looked ahead in front of him to see another red door with a bizarre doorknob with the thin, metallic bridge standing between it and him, the young man couldn't deign to guess what might be behind it. For all he knew, it could be tranquil and peaceful just like the car he woke up in. On the other hand, though, it might just as well be the complete opposite of that and turn out to be a danger zone of sorts. Perhaps it was the nature of the train; there's no way of knowing where he's going next and what will happen. While he got to thinking that, Bryce also began to think about Penny as she held tightly onto him. As long as she is with him, Penny would be in just as much danger as he is, which would make her likely to get hurt. But if he was going to keep his promise to be careful to Ms. Tabitha, Bryce felt it best to play the journey safe as he turned to Ms. Tabitha and spoke as he waved with his open arm as the other was holding Penny.

"Well... thanks for helping me. And goodbye."

As Bryce waved to her, Ms. Tabitha made a sad smile, knowing that she wouldn't be seeing Penny for a long time at least as she returned the wave back to him before he began to walk away. However, when he did, he realized that Penny still didn't get a proper goodbye with Ms. Tabitha. And so, he tried to get her to look up as Bryce spoke softly to her.

"Hey, Penny. We're gonna get going now. If you wanna say goodbye, I won't stop you."

Upon hearing those words, Penny looked up to him with a look that told him she wasn't ready to say goodbye. Not that he'd blame her, not when she's been in that car for all of her life. Still, he knew he made the right choice to make sure she got to say goodbye to her. Who knows if they'll ever see each other again? It was an answer that Penny especially didn't know as she spoke to him sadly.

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