Chapter XIX: The Engine

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A/N: Here it is, the penultimate chapter of my story. As I may or may not have said, there'll be two more chapters before its officially finished. I promise you, though, this one will be one you won't so forget.

In the engine, Ava was in a deep sleep. Of course, it couldn't stay that way for long as her eyes began to move. Soon enough, they began to lift themselves up as Ava began to yawn, stretching her arms as she sat up. But when she opened her eyes, she found herself in a place she didn't expect. It was a large silver room, with green lights all around, but in a slightly dimmed lighting. She also noticed a bed and sink behind her, as well as a console where the Conductor must've been checking the statuses of all other passengers.

Then, she looked at her lap and noticed a familiar book there as she took it and saw the front cover. It had a little girl in a blue dress as well as the iconic Cheshire Cat. Ava wasn't usually one to judge a book by its cover, but with her experience, she knew what it was.

"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland... That's my favorite book! But how did it get here?"

Ava looked all around the bed she slept in, which had a pink blanket, decorated with turtles near the outside of it. Then, she noticed the red writing on the blanket that spelled out her name. It was the same blanket that she was found in. Ava's eyes widened as the details stared her right in the face.

"And my blanket, too...! Where exactly am I?"

Ava looked all about the room, only to notice a work table holding a strange cannon and countless other orbs that were now drained of power. From looking at them, Ava made a harsh gasp as she recalled in brief flashes how Atticus was shot by that same cannon just before she was taken away by the steward. Much as she tried to calm herself down afterwards, however, Ava's stress got worse when she saw the steward just in the corner. She made an effort to get out of her bed as she moved her legs, but the Conductor's voice stopped her.

"Stay where you are."

Ava gasped as she turned to the direction the voice came from. She knew that voice all too well. It was the same voice that attacked her and her friends. Ava found it especially difficult as the figure walked from the shadows and towards her, looking down on her condescendingly as she held a tray that contained a plate of scrambled eggs, a fork, and a cup of apple juice. Ava and the Conductor had a moment of silence, staring at each other before Ava spoke to her coldly.

"Well, you've got me. Now what are you going to do?"

"Nothing dangerous, I assure you."

The Conductor then set the tray down on Ava's lap. It seemed fine, but Ava wasn't in the mood to eat. She glared back at the Conductor before she retorted.

"You're a long ways past that. If we're so insignificant to you, then why didn't you leave us alone?"

The Conductor didn't answer her for a few seconds. When he did, he completely dodged her question.

"You should focus more on eating your breakfast. Questions will come later."

Ava wasn't happy with that answer. She tensed her hands before she spoke again.

"The only thing I'm hungry for right now is the truth. You're the same person that dropped me off at Rexy's car 12 years ago, aren't you? You didn't come for me before, so, why did you decide to take me again now?"

Play Chrome Canyon Music: "Have You Ever Considered That You've Been Wrong?"

The Conductor snarled at Ava, raising his hand before holding it back as he appeared to sigh a moment before he replied back in exhaustion.

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