Chapter 6 : The Most Boring Class

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"Wanna hang out at my house? I got some art supplies that I think will make you jealous," he said while smirking. So basically I had this thing with art supplies. I am...... just obsessed with them. "Oh come on. We both know that your art supplies always makes me jealous. But, yeah sure," I said.

" Great! Lets go!"he said.


When we arrived at his house, it turns out that his house was near my house. That's a good thing. He led me to his room, and when he opened the door...

it was messy as heck.

I blinked a few times at the sight before me. "W-wow...Nath, you've g-got a nice room. Um.." I said,laughing nervously. "Oh please, if you really mean that you must be blind," he said, rolling his eyes. " Well, this is just the art room a.k.a studio. My room's over there," he pointed at a room at the end of the hallway. "Oh, phew," I was relieved. I mean, papers were could a human even sleep there? When we got in, I saw the most amazing thing. Apart from the other parts of the room, this part was very neat and it was art supplies corner. I gasped at the sight before. "Here comes the attack," I thought before I ran to take a look at the supplies. I could hear Nathanael laugh behind me. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh YOU HAVE THESE?!!" I exclaimed. He smirked and nodded.

And....I spent the next few hours 'taking a look' at his supplies while he cleans up the room. I wanted to help but since I'm evil I ignored him. ( God I'm so evil ). I didn't notice time flew by so fast, by the time I looked at my watch it was already 6 o' clock. "You done looking at the same pen?" I heard Nath said behind me. I turned and saw him just chilling with milk and cookies on his desk. I grinned sheepishly. "Haha....whatever, I'm going home now. Thanks for letting me take a look at these awesome supplies," I said. "You're welcome. Have a good day, night, uhh whatever. I'll be at the door in a sec. Oh and take some of the cookies on the kitchen counter,"  he said with a mouthful of cookies.

"Okay, thanks!"

I took some of the cookies from the kitchen and waited for him at the door. He came and unlocked it. " Have a good day, night or whatever," I said. " too," he said. I went out and waved him goodbye. He waved back and then he closed the door. Exhausted, I went back home.


Today, my classmate planned something for Alix's birthday. Marinette was suppose to do the banner. The others, well, make sure the plan worked. We waited for Marinette to come with her banner. It was worth the wait, because the banner she made was awesome. It turns out that Alix and Kim were gonna do a race. I saw Alix giving Alya somekind of an antique watch, it was really unique and she told her to take care of it while she was racing. Alya happily agreed. So the race went on just fine until......

the watch fell down and broke.

I didn't know what happened but it seems like it was Chloe's fault. When Alix discovered her watch was broken, she was....devastated. Then suddenly a purple butterfly went towards her watch and suddenly she turned to.....a villain. I ran to a safe spot when Phixx came out of my bag. "Cherice, what are you doing?! You have to transform to save Alix!" she said. "Ph-Phixx..I-I can't do it...let Ladybug and Chat Noir do it! What if I mess up?" I said. She tried and tried to persuade me to transform but I was too scared. I couldn't do it. I kept saying that to her. She still wouldn't give up. I said "No," every time she persuades me to do it.

  Finally, she gave up. I ran back to my house and hid there until Ladybug catched the akuma. When everything was back to normal ( I knew this when I saw a glowing red and pink light), I sighed in relieved. But Phixx didn't want to talk to me the whole day.
I decided to give her time and it kinda worked...? She talked to me the day after. She was back to being supportive and happy like she always is. I apologized to her and she said it was okay. A few days after, another person was akumatized. His name was Mr. Pigeon. My fear overwhelmed me again. Phixx persuaded me repeatedly, but I still won't transform. Finally, again, Ladybug and Chat Noir saved the day. Phixx was mad at me, this time she won't even talk to me the day after! It went on for a week.

  The following week, it was just a normal day at school. I ran into Nathanael again, and we went to the Science Lab together. He sat down in his seat which was next to Juleka's . I sat down next to...well hello my dear old judging friend, Jason. He smiled at me, I returned with an awkward smile. Ms. Mendeleiv went into class and started teaching. Again, it was boring as ever. She explained everything so detailed that I was about to sleep. Suddenly, Jason tapped me on the shoulder. I turned at him, and he said, " Sorry but, I can't let you sleep in class. Ms. Mendeleiv would flip when she sees you,". "Oh,okay. Thanks," I said, then I turned back.

  I was desperately trying to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't hold it anymore. I was about to fall asleep when..,

"Nathanael, what are you drawing?!!"

My eyes snapped open and I looked at Nathanael. He looked terrified.



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