Chapter 13: Starry Night

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"I gulped in horror as the television went off. I heard him laughing like a maniac behind me. Both of his hand squeezed my shoulder hard, making me more uncomfortable than I already was.

And I feared what he might do to me next."

Hours flew by, it felt like years. Electrosis just kept walking around the room, not doing anything to me. That's a relief. I was scared just in case he started to do all that zappy stuff all over again and the victim was going to be me. Suddenly, the door to the room flung open.

To my relief, it was Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"Ladybug! Chat Noir!" I exclaimed in delight. "We're here to save you, don't worry. Let's move, kitty!" Ladybug exclaimed while running towards Electrosis, ready with her yo-yo. Chat pounced on Electrosis, obviously trying to find where the akuma is. An "Ouch!" and a whimper came from Chat Noir as Electrosis zapped his body in leather. "Haha! You teenagers are nothing compared to me!" Electrosis said. He continued zapping both of them until they started to get weaker and weaker. "Blaze, where are you?" I heard Ladybug muttered. I felt guilty than ever, so I tried my best to release myself. I started to feel more guilty as the other men beated them up, Electrosis watching them with delight.

'I need to help them'

I noticed my slingbag that has Phixx in it at the corner of the room. She was peeking at me, and I could tell that she was worried. I sighed. 'Looks like I've got no choice,' I thought. I took one glance at the superheroes and without hesitation, I yelled,

"Blazing Fire, RISE!"

That caught everyone's attention. I transformed into Blaze and with all my strength that has been doubled up due to my transformation, I released myself from the chair. I aimed my staff at Electrosis's and hit him hard. Then, I swung my staff around towards the group of men, hitting them all and that gave room for Ladybug and Chat Noir to get ready. "Revealing your identity won't do any good now, brat!" Electrosis exclaimed while aiming his index finger at me and . I moved quickly to my left, bumping into Ladybug while doing that. "Sorry!" I said. " It's okay," she replied. We both went back to fighting, and when his little followers started to get tired,all three of us took this chance to lunge straight at Electrosis while aiming our weapons at him.

After getting beaten up by three superheroes all at once, Electrosis slumped down and Ladybug took this chance to take his source of power. It was his bangle. She broke the bangle his half and a butterfly came out, Ladybug went straight into action and purified the akuma. Then, she shouted "Miraculous Ladybug" and everything went back to normal. She went towards Chat Noir, held up her fist and said, "Pound it?". I took a few steps back and was ready to go when Chat Noir suddenly said, "I think she should join us". I turned and saw him smiling at me, and then he said again, " I know her and she's a really good person. I doubted her but now, I guess I shouldn't really think bad of someone that I don't know well yet,".

"Finally, it's about time you two get along," Ladybug said. Both of them went towards me and said " So, Blaze....Pound it?".

I blinked.
Then, I smiled.
Then, I held up my fist.

"Pound it"

And that was the first time Chat Noir looked at me the way a friend does.


I went back home, exhausted. I was about to fall asleep when my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone, it was Nathanael. I sighed and answered the call.

"What happened?" was the first thing he said as soon as I did so.

I told him what happened, he listened attentively ( Or atleast I thought so since he was quiet when I explained ). I didn't forget to leave out the part where I turned to Blaze and all that stuff. Instead, I told him that the superheroes saved me (including Blaze) from Electrosis. It took me forever to explain to him, not to mention twisting the whole story.

"So...are you okay now..?"
"Yeah, don't worry. I'm fine"
"I'm coming"
"I'll be there in 30 minutes"

He ended the call before I could even say anything. "The frick?" I said to myself. I tried calling him a few times, but he didn't answer. 'Does this guy seriously want to go to my place ...' I looked at my watch and totally freaked out. 'In the middle of the night?!'
Well, I can't stop him now. Might as well take a shower before he comes.


I changed into my pyjamas whichs consists of an orange long sleeved-shirt with a large kawaii hamburger doodle and an orange pants with some small burgers designs. I let my hair go as it is still wet and waited for Nathanael while sitting on the couch. I almost dosed off when I heard a knock on the door and a familar voice calling out to my name. I knew it Nathanael so I went to the door and opened it. As soon as I let him in and closed the door..

he hugged me.

I was surprised but I still returned the hug. Even though muffled, I heard him say, "Thank god you're safe." That made me smile. He broke the hug and smiled at me. "Seriously, you don't have to worry too much until you have to come all the way here," I said, chuckling. I went to the kitchen to find something, atleast cookies and milk for him.

"I just need to see you."

That made me stop moving. My eyes widen ( thank goodness I wasn't facing him ) and I could have sworn my cheeks were getting hotter. I didn't want it to be more awkward so I just chuckled and said, "Okay, sure," . Which made the situation a lot awkward than it already is. Eventually, I found some cookies and a carton of milk. I set it up on the kitchen counter. He was frantically walking around my living room, so I called for him. He went towards me and said, "Thanks, I almost died of starvation." He giggled and I smacked him. "Why wouldn't you eat then? You've got hours to eat before," I said. I was drinking my milk when he said, "I was worried, I guess." When I finished my milk I replied," Don't worry, this girl's got mad surviving skills." "Yeah, right" he said and then chuckled playfully.

I smacked him again, only a lot harder this time. "Ouch, okay, okay. I'm sorry," he said. I laughed. "You should see the look on your face," I said. He rolled his eyes and continued eating his cookies. By the time we finished eating, it was almost one in the morning. I yawned and asked him, "Do you seriously don't want to leave now? It's almost one." He went quiet for a second. Then he said, "I'll go now. Sorry for disturbing you," and went for the door. Suddenly, I don't know why but I just felt guilty. I felt as if I just forced him to leave. I felt as if I'm pushing him away. He can't just go home in the middle of the night alone. What if something happens to him?


He turned and looked at me with a questioning look. " Slowly, I looked at him in the eye and said, "There's a guest bedroom and a bathroom connected to it. You can stay here for the night, it's not safe for you to walk home alone." "Huh?" was all he said. I broke into a nervous laugh and said, " Do you seriously think I'm gonna let you go home alone in the cold night? No way,man, no way." He smiled and said, " Okay then. Thanks for letting me stay." I returned his smile and nodded. "About your clothes for tomorrow though, there are some clothes that my dad left here in case my mother and him wanted to stay here for a while. They're in the drawers in the room," I said. He just nodded and yawned. "Well, I guess we're both tired. Goodnight," I said.


><end of chapter 13><
yep i made it longer for ya'll

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