Chapter 7 : A Friend..?

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I was desperately trying to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't hold it anymore. I was about to fall asleep when..,

"Nathanael, what are you drawing?!!"

My eyes snapped open and I looked at Nathanael. He looked terrified.



"And these artistic endeavours are clearly why you are failing Science!"


"You go march down to the principal's office and show him that chicken scratch. Then you'll be really sorry!"

I watched him in pity as he walked towards the door. Then suddenly he tripped. His sketchbook went flying to....oh god...the diva brat Chloe. "Ooo, look Sabrina! It's him as a superhero! And look at who's he's saving! It's Marinette!He is so totally crushing on you, Marinette!" she said. "Give me that!" he exclaimed while snatching his sketchbook from Chloe. "Enough! Nathanael, GO!" Ms. Mendeleiv said. Nathanael hugged his bag and rushed towards the door. I seriously hate Chloe now, she reminds me of my ex-best friend.

"Well, that's what he gets for drawing in class. He knows he is talented in drawing so probably wants to show off by drawing in class"

Jason said and then he laughed. "Excuse me, what did you say?" I said while looking at him straight in the eye. That made him stop laughing. "I'm terribly sorry but, I have to admit that what you said was pretty offensive to both ME and Nathanael. I'm his friend and I know he doesn't like to show off. He probably got bored or something. You really didn't have to think of him like that," I said. "Well, whatever you say, princess," he said while winking at me. My blood immediately boils when I heard him call me that. "If I hear you call me that again, I'll turn you into a corpse," I said quietly. His eyes widened for a while, but then he just shrugged and smiled.

''I am seriously NOT comfortable sitting in class with him. I'd rather sit next to baboon,' I thought. "The next particle physics group presentation is Nino, Adrien and Alya, then , Chloe, Sabrina and Marinette and finally Cherice, Jason and Ivan,". My brain was literally screaming full of unsatisfaction. "Uh, miss? Can you add her to another group? Sabrina and I work much better on our own," Chloe said. "This is a group presentation not pairs so deal with it," Ms. Mendeleiv said. It was clear that Marinette and Chloe will never get along, these two are practically forever enemies.

After class ended, I went to my locker. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned. It was Jason. "So, we're mates huh?" he said. "Yeah, we are. Now leave me alone," I said. I realized that I was started to get a little less shy every single day, but right now, I'm totally not in the mood for some guy to talk bad things about my friend. 'Speaking of friend, where're Nath? He should be back by now,' I thought. But I decided to just snap out of it since I wanted to do some research on my presentation in the library. Shelf by shelf, I went through every single book there and picked the ones that may contain information about particle physics. p

  Suddenly, I heard Chloe arguing with someone , I decided to take a peek at what was happening. It seems like Chloe was arguing with....Sabrina..?! I was totally shocked, I thought Sabrina was her bestie. I watched the argument for a while but then I decided to get moving. While I was doing that, I caught sight of someone on the second floor of the library, watching Chloe. I looked at Chloe and she was attacked by a bunch of hats that appeared out of the blue. I looked at the person again, he was a boy, and he looked awfully familiar.

'Wait a minute...Phixx, isn't that Nath?,"I said to Phixx, who was peeking from my small bag. She nodded and she looked shocked as ever. Suddenly, a big hairdryer appeared and chased Chloe. At the same time, Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared out of nowhere. I ran outside the library and into the restroom. I went into one of the stalls and slumped down. Phixx came out of my bag and she said, "Well?" . "Phixx.. you can't hope on me too much..please, you know I can't do it," I said. Phixx sighed and she looked very disappointed. "I'm sorry, Phixx, I really a-" she cut me through the sentence by going back to my bag. I sighed.

I went back home, leaving the akumatized villain to Ladybug and Chat Noir once again. When I reached my apartment, Phixx just went inside went I opened the door. Feeling guilty, I slumped down on my couch. A few hours flew by with silence until it was evening. Suddenly, Phixx said, " I can't believe you could be this selfish....". "W-what do you mean?" I asked. "HE'S YOUR FRIEND CHERICE! YOUR FREAKING FRIEND! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE YOUR FRIEND AKUMATIZED LIKE THAT?!!" Phixx yelled. Stunned, I answered," Well, Ladybug and Chat Noir can de-akumatized him,".

Phixx smacked my cheek and she shouted, "YOU are his friend! YOU should save him! YOU know him! They DON'T! HE NEEDS YOU, CHERICE! YOU ONLY HAVE ONE FRIEND AND THAT'S HIM FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I was stunned by Phixx...again. Then a lot of thoughts came into my head. 'She....she was right. I..was being selfish. I let my fear control me,' I thought. "There's a reason why I chose you, Cherice," Phixx said, again. She turned her back on me and left me staring deeply into a wall. I thought of all the things I did with Nath. I thought of how kind he was towards me. Then I asked myself, 'If he succeeds, he won't be the same Nath you know anymore. Won't you miss him?'.

I sighed. I made my decision. Determined, I said, "Phixx, what's the magic word to be my alter ego?" Phixx flew back at me, and she was grinning. "Say, Blazing Fire, rise! But then, I won't be around. Check your weapon for a secret button and tap on the help icon," she said. I smiled at her and without hesitation.....

"Blazing Fire, Rise!"


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