Chapter 14: Doubts and Suspicion

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~"He just nodded and yawned. "Well, I guess we're both tired. Goodnight," I said.


We went to school together the next day, and Ms. Bustier told the class that Jason had moved to another school, which is still in Paris due to some family business. I was glad, thank goodness he left. I have had enough of that boy. School went on like always. Hours turn to days. Days turn to weeks and weeks turn to months. Life was simple. Almost dozing off in Science, strangely enthuastic behaviour during art class and sketching during math class. Life was normal.

And about life as Blaze. Chat Noir seems okay with me now, he starts making punny jokes with me just to annoy Ladybug. Although he's a lot better at it than I am. And yes, they know who I am, but they just acted as if nothing happened which made me feel relieved. I so do not want to recall what happened. It gives me the chills.We've defeated how many villains now? Well, we have defeated Electrosis of course, Horrifcator, Darkblade,The Puppeteer ( Well, I did NOT expect a little kid to be akumatized), Princess Fragrance and Simon Says.

Months have passed. I started to get closer with Nathanael, we often hang out, eat lunch together, discuss comics and even read comics together. Basically, we're best friends now. Seriously, I never felt more happier than ever. Life was looking up now, and I could feel as if moving to Paris was a great decision after all. I don't regret a single thing. I have a true family and friends here. Life is awesome! Or, at least it was.

Before they came.


One day, I heard through a grapevine that a student from Italy will come here and join my class. I was excited to get to know the student. I decided to wear something casual today. So, I put on medium sleeved white blouse and denim jeans. I also on a pair of white flats and tied my hair into a simple low ponytail with a small braid. I grabbed my satchel, called for Phixx while stuffing some packets of graham crackers inside. Phixx went inside my satchel sleepily. I chuckled and took some croissants for lunch. I took some more croissants so that I could share with Nathanael in case he forgot to bring his lunch (which of course will never happen but I just bring some anyway).

I went outside after eating some cereal for breakfast and left my apartment. Then, I went to the streets of Paris. After a few turns, I reached the home of someone I wanted to go to school with. I knocked the door and waited for a few minutes. The door opened and the familiar pair of teal eyes met mine. I smiled at him. "Hey Nath". He smiled back and said, "Ready to go?". I nodded and we went to school together while deep in conversation about random stuff. Once we reached our school, we went to our lockers and grabbed our books for class. As soon as the bell started ringing, we went to Ms Bustier's class together. Ms. Bustier went into the class and we greeted her. She greeted back with an excited expression today.

" Okay students, we have a brand new student joining our class today! She's from Italy and I want you to give her a big warm welcome. Now, Lila, please come in."

A tall girl with brown hair and light brown eyes went into the class. She waved cheerfully at us and said, "Hey, my name is Lila Rossi. It's nice to meet all of you. Hope we can be friends!" in the most cheerful tone ever. Apparently international students are very eager to be in Paris, huh? "Alright, Lila, you may sit next over there," Ms. Bustier said. "Alright, miss," she replied and went to her seat which was right in front of me. Seeing her confidence while walking made me adore her. I mean like, she doesn't drag her shoes, her body straight and so is her shoulders. She looks so bold in some way.

When lunch finally started, as usual me and Nathanael went to our lunch spot. Along the way, I saw Lila with Adrien, talking to each other. Suddenly, our eyes met and I quickly looked away. Something about her bothers me somehow. I don't know what and I want to know.

"Hello, earth to Cherice!"

My mind snapped out of thought. I saw Nathanael looking at me with a weird look. "Um, you okay?" he said. "Huh? Me? Yeah? I'm fine. Great actually! Now, let me enjoy my croissant," I said while laughing nervously. He raised his eyebrows at me and said, "Cherice, we've been friends for a very long time now. I know when you're lying." "Oh really? What makes you think I'm lying?" I shot back. "Well, first you're laughing nervously and second, you stammer," he replied. I sighed.

"Fine, you win"
"Okay, so what's bothering you?"
"That new girl, Lila"
"What about her?"
" I don't know. It's just, she's just suspicious in a way I don't even understand so..yeah"

He blinked, obviously trying to take in what I just said. "Okay, I think it's just nothing. It's better if you don't jump into conclusions because you might cause an akuma if you think bad of someone," he said. I sighed again and said, "Well, I guess you're right." He smiled at me and put his arm around my shoulder. That made me chuckle. Nathanael knows me so well. He knows that when he wraps his arm around my shoulder, I'll feel comfortable and safe. Being comfortable and safe makes me smile easily and shakes off the negative feelings I have.

I returned his smile and ate my croissants. When lunch ended, we went back to class. Hours flew by and it was the end of the schoolday. I stayed a little longer in class to finish my essay so that I can relax at home after this. Once I finished, I put it in a file in my locker . Before I left, I went to the toilet. Suddenly, I heard voices outside my stall. Well, not exactly at my stall but at the sinks. I think that person is videocalling( I don't know why they would video call in the restroom) or just calling with speakers on. Either way, I heard the other speaker talking too.

"Lila, so what's your report?"
"You don't have to be so formal ,sheesh. But anyways, I've been watching her and it seems like she's pretty close to this one guy that sits next to her"
"Huh, what a coward. I bet she never told him her past"
"I don't know about that"
"Hmph, whatever. But you have to promise me Lila, make sure her friends leave her. ALL of her friends. Or you'll never get your precious model boy"
"Adrien. He has a name, you know."
"Whatever. Just take all her friends away from her and make her lose the ones she care about. I'll be coming in 6 weeks"
"Whatever you say. Bye"

When the call ended, I heard the door close. I waited for a few minutes and came out of my stall. I wonder who are they talking about. But whoever she is, she's in big trouble. She'll lose her friends and definitely will get akumatized! Now I'm worried. Apparently, Lila is not a good person that people think of her after all! I need to know the girl that they're talking about and save her! Apparently she's doing this to get Adrien, but why? Why do something bad for a boy? That's just....I don't know. I need to get people to believe me that Lila is not a good person before the girl loses her friends and Adrien hooks up with an up-to-no-good girl!

But how?

><end of chapter 14><

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