Chapter 18 : Fireballs

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Cherice P.O.V.

"I'm really sorry, Cherice. I...I have to go," he said. Then, he ran. I stood there, speechless.  I watched as he ran away, out of my reach. I didn't know what to feel, really. Nathanael, my friend, my best friend tried to kiss me. I thought there was nothing romantic between us, but I was wrong. Very wrong. "What.. what should I do?" I whispered to myself. Nathanael has diseappeared out of my sight. "I have to find him," I said to myself.

  Though I knew he wasn't there, I started running towards where he ran and shouted his name. Forget all the stares, Nathanael's hurt emotionally and, and....

That's when I heard the screams.

I looked around, only to see a fireball was shot. And it's target was me. I ran to the sidewalk and the fireball hit the streets. I look up and saw a girl, she looked as if she was made of fire. Her hair was made of wild tongues of fire and so was her clothes. I groaned. 'Perfect timing, Hawkmoth,' I thought while rolling my eyes. I ran to somewhere hidden, yelling at people to run to their houses or find a safe spot along the way. I opened my satchel and my kwami was there.

"Blazing Fire, rise!"


I flew up and the fireball girl was nowhere to be seen. I looked around, trying to search for her. Then, I was kicked from behind.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" the girl laughed hysterically, but then - to my amusement- she coughed, hysterically as well. "Girl, you need to chill," I said. "I'll chill when I'm done with you!" she yelled as she charged at me. I flew up, fast and kicked her away.  My cuts are screaming and I winced for a second. She floated higher in the air and threw fireballs at me. I shielded myself with my staff and then I flew towards her, fast like the wind. I grabbed her legs and threw her to the ground. The people in that area ran away, screaming. "You dare fight with the fire queen?!" the girl exclaimed. "Oh please!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes. I tried to pin her to the ground, but she punched me square in the jaw when I got closer.

"Oh girl, the game is so on!" I said. I let out my staff and she was ready with her fireballs.  My cuts hadn't fully heal, so they were starting to become a problem.  I winced everytime my calves and arm collided with something.  She threw a lot of fireballs and I defended myself with my staff as I marched towards her. Then, I flung my staff at her but she caught it and threw it away. She smiled and in her hand was a burning fireball. I had no defense, so I closed my eyes when she threw it.

I waited for the burning sensation, but it never came.

"You can open your eyes now, Blaze," I heard someone say in a playful tone. I opened my eyes and saw Ladybug and Chat Noir in front of me. Ladybug was spinning her yoyo, making a shield. "About time you two came," I said. "Well we wouldn't want our friend to get cook now don't we?" Chat Noir said. "Enough chit chatting guys! We gotta beat this burning girl!" Ladybug said.

  We both nodded and we marched towards the girl, avoiding every single fireball she threw. When she saw that her fireballs was powerless against us, she fled. I retrieved my staff and then Ladybug, Chat and I chased the girl.

  The girl ran and ran until she went tired. She stopped for a while, and I jumped on her. I pinned her to the ground and then Ladybug yelled, "Her hairclip, Blaze!". I don't know how she got her strength but suddenly she pushed me away, and I was thrown to the ground. "What the?" I said.

  She laughed and then she threw large fireballs at me. Ladybug and Chat Noir tried to stop her, but they were thrown to a small soace between two shops with a single swipe from the girl. She turned her focus back to me, and she threw even larger fireballs at me. 'Is she possessed or something?!' I thought. I avoided the fireballs but when I was flying I didn't realise a large pole was in front of me. I crashed into it and it made me fall to the ground.

  She threw the fireballs at me, but I quickly rolled to my left and escaped the fireballs. I smirked at her, wanting to tell her that she should practice her aim even more when I realized what she had done.

She had set a building on fire.
And that building was an apartment full of people.
And that building was also Nathanael's home.

  My eyes went wide. I watched as the people inside ran outside screaming.  I couldn't breath. If he didn't make it to the exit...

That's when I saw him. He was in front of the building and obviously he just came back from somewhere else. He took a few steps back, and that's when he saw me. Our eyes met, but then I had to break the eye contact when another fireball was thrown at me. I dodged and flew towards the girl, blood boiling. We punched and kicked one another, me struggling to grab her hairclip.

  Suddenly, I heard a woman screaming. I lost focus for a second when I heard the scream,creating the oppurtunity for the girl push me. I fell to the ground, lying on my back. I got up and I heard the same woman screaming. "MY LITTLE BOY IS IN THERE! PLEASE, SIR! PLEASE LET ME IN!". I wanted to go into the building and help, but the girl flew straight at me, grabbed my arm and threw me to the air. Just when I was thrown, I caught a glimpse of Nathanael.

And he ran straight into the burning building.

  I hit the ground, once again lying on my back. It hurts, it hurts so much.  I laid there, weak as ever. Then I remembered about Nathanael. I got up and ran towards the building, "Where's the boy with red hair?" I asked the crowd. "He went inside, Blaze. He was trying to save the woman's kid," a man said. "WHAT?!" I shouted. I wanted to get in but the firefighters blocked me. "No, Miss Blaze! It's not safe!" one of the firefighters said. I was about to argue when I saw a little boy going out of the building. I sighed in relief,  knowing that Nathanael will come out soon.

Then the building's only entrance collapsed.

I watched in horror and before I could even stop myself, I yelled, "Nathanael!" I looked at Ladybug and Chat Noir, they were fighting the fire girl. I couldn't breath, couldn't do anything. I came into my senses a few minutes later. Without wasting any time, I flew towards the building. I saw a window on the third floor and immediately crashed into it. I flew straight in, ignoring everything, everyone. I yelled Nathanael's name again, forgetting that I am Blaze. I went to the stairwell and saw that it was blocked.

   "HOLOCAUST FLAME!" I punched at the stuff that blocked the stairwell, revealing a large hole that leads straight to the ground floor. I let myself fall into the hole, landing on the ground with a thud. My whole body hurts, and my lungs felt like it was being cooked with all the fire around me. "Nathanael!" I called out. My voice was hoarse and it feels like my lungs were being scraped when I was calling out his name. I looked around, my eyes was starting to sting. Suddenly, I caught of something to my right. I turned and saw Nathanael, leaning on a wall, unconcious. I went towards him and with all my strength I carried him up.

  Suddenly, the fire went out. And the whole place returned back to normal. 'They must have defeated the fire girl' I thought. The entrance was right in front of me, so I ran towards it. I opened the door and then the people outside cheered. I gave them a small smile, but it faded when I looked at Nathanael, who was still unconcious in my arms. Ladybug and Chat Noir went up to me. "Good job, guys," I said. "Hey, you still helped us out," they said. I smiled again.

  Then, I heard the sound of an ambulance in the distance. It got louder and soon I saw the ambulance, coming at my direction. It stopped, and some nurses brought a stretcher out. "You're welcome" someone said. I turned and saw Chat Noir, showing off his phone in his staff. I gave him a small smile. Slowly, I put Nathanael on the stretcher but I didn't let go of his hand.

  "Miss Blaze, he's to be taken to the hospital now," I heard one of the nurses say. I gave her a deathly glare and slowly...very slowly, let go of his hand. "He must meant so much to you," Ladybug said. "Yeah, he really does," I said. "I'm sorry I have to go now." I quickly flew away from the place, leaving Ladybug and Chat Noir and the crowd. As soon as I reached a safe spot, I detransformed. Phixx slumped down on my shoulder and I chuckle. "You must be tired, huh?" I asked. Phixx just nodded sleepily. Gently, I carried her into my satchel and then I went home.

I was tired too, but I doubt I'll get any sleep tonight.

-end of chapter 18-

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