Chapter 24: It's All Wrong

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'Once my vision was clear, I almost fainted when I saw the person in front of me.

It was Nathanael.'
He was gaping like a fish and his eyes were wide in shock. He immediately rushed to me and helped me get up on my feet while saying, "Oh my god, Cherice! Are you okay?". His left hand was holding an umbrella and I was clinging onto his right arm.  "I'm...f-fine," I said, but my state shows otherwise. I was shivering like crazy and my teeth were clattering. 

  "'re not. Come on, I know when you're lying, Cherice. It's obvious," he said. "Then what's the point of asking?" I muttered as he brought me into a building. I recognise the place. It was his apartment building. " I heard that, Cherice," he said.  He brought me into his house and quickly turned up the fireplace as soon as we reached the living room.

  He made me sit down on the couch. I was still shivering. "Stay here, I'm gonna grab something," he said. He went into his room and came back with a large coat. He put it around me to keep me warm. I smiled weakly at him. "What, may I ask, was little Miss Cherice doing out there in the rain?" he asked as he sat down next to me. "I...just came back from school," I said. He glanced at his watch, "half an hour after school ends? Cherice, what did I say about lying?". I sighed. He knows me way too well. "Well, I went to the grocery shop. And something happened and I ran away," I said. 

  "Whatever that happened, I'm just glad you're okay. That was quite a crash though, and loud too," he chuckled. "Was it like, really loud?" I asked. "Yeah, it's like the pole was crashed by an elephant made of rocks," he said. "Hey!" I exclaimed and he burst out laughing. "And you were gaping like a fish!" I said.

  I frowned for a while, and then I laughed along with him. It was childish, really. But we're just being ourselves. "I missed you," I said. "Me too, Cherice," he smiled warmly. I pulled him into a bone-crushing hug, or should I say a very damp hug. He hugged me back, as usual. "Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't visit you. Thought you might not... want to see me after...what happened..." I said. "It's okay. I was glad you didn't visit though, my emotions were quite unstable at that time.." he said.

  He could read me when I'm lying about other things, but when it comes to superhero stuff, he couldn't. Probably because I take the hero stuff very seriously. Suddenly, my phone rang. I took it out and was shocked to see the name that appeared on my screen. It was Adam's. "What? Who is it?" he peeked and then he asked, "Adam? Who is he?". "Um...I'm sorry, Nath. I'll explain later, I really need to take this call," I said. "Oh...okay," he said. I went to the guest bedroom and answered the call.


"Hey, Cherice! Just wanna ask, are you busy right now?"

"Um..why do you want to know?"

"Well, you left your schoolbag in the middle of the road. I took a look at it and realized that it was yours. Who else would have a backpack that was decorated with doodles of paintbrushes all over it?"

My eyes widen. My bag! I must have accidentally left it when I was running away from him.

"Uh, maybe you can give it to me...tomorrow?"

"Then how are you going to finish your Geography and Science homework? Your textbooks and notes are all in here."

"Um...maybe later? Tonight maybe?"

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