Chapter 22: Gaze

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'Phixx went back into my satchel and I walked back home with a smile.

But deep down, I feel like something's bad gonna happen.'

I went back home, feeling exhausted. I got out of the elevator and that's when I noticed Adam. He was front of my door? "Adam?" I called out, walking towards him. He looked at me in surprise and then he smiled. "Oh, I was about to knock on your door," He said. "How did you know where I live? And...what are you doing here?" I asked. "Marinette told me. I just want to pay a visit, that's all. "

  "And...why would you want to pay me a visit? It's almost 8 P.M., Adam," I said. "Is it wrong for me to pay my friend a visit?" he said, still with his warm smile. I sighed and gave him a forced smile. "Of course it's not. Come in," I said. I unlocked the door and made way for him to come in.  It was weird having someone else other than Nathanael and Phixx in my house. Nobody else had ever seet foot in here. Well, except my parents of course. "Nice house," he said. "Thanks," I said flatly. "Why, you seem...uncomfortable with me around here. Are you okay, Cherice?" he asked. 'Well of course I am uncomfortable, I have a boy I just met in my freaking house' I thought.

  "Of course I am okay. Why wouldn't I be?" was all I said before I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks for my 'guest'. I took out some chips and walked to the living room. Suddenly, I stepped on a cushion pillow ( which happen to be on the floor for some odd reason) and tripped over it. I yelped. I waited for my body to hit the hard wooden floor when suddenly a strong arm grabbed my waist. It was Adam, and he was very close. Like, really, really, really close. I fought the urge to push him away.

   "Whoa, careful there," he said, and another smile formed on his lips. He put me back on my feet and I said, "Thank you." He just nodded and winked. Other girls would melt and blush but for some odd reason, I didn't. Well, if he's flirting with me, he should see by now that I am clearly, I repeat, CLEARLY not interested.

   "Seriously, Adam, what are you doing here?" I asked as I sat on one of the sofas. He was sitting on those two-person sofa, but I didn't want to sit next to him because I knew I would be more uncomfortable than ever. "Like I said, I was paying a visit," he said. "I'm not stupid, Adam." I said, giving him a look.

  "Fine, I'll tell you. I came here because I was alone in my house. My friends went out somewhere, and I thought of someone else who is my friend. I know we just met, but I just feel comfortable around you," he said. That's when I felt this guilty feeling in my heart. "Oh. I understand. I'm sorry for... doubting you," I said. "No, it's okay. I mean, if I was in your shoes I would have doubts too," he said. I smiled at him, maybe he could be a good friend after all. Just a friend. No more.

  Suddenly, his phone beeped. He checked his phone, and typed for a while. He frowned a little. Then, he looked back at me, "I'll have to go now," he said. "Oh, okay," I said, then I opened the door for him. "Goodnight, Cherice. I'll see you tomorrow," he said, giving me another warm smile.

  "Yeah, goodnight," I said. I quickly shut the door as soon as he went out and sighed in relief. Phixx came out of my satchel in the living room and she looked at me worriedly. "Surely you're not gonna fall for him, right?" she asked. "What?! No, Phixx! No way! I would never fall for him! Never!" I said, and I meant it. Adam is nice and all, but I'm just not interested. I bet other girls would happily accept Adam, but me? Not a chance. I don't fall for looks and words easily.

  I glanced at the clock. "I want to see Nathanael, Phixx. I really miss him. And Adam makes me want to see him more," I said. "Well, let's go then! Forget what he said last night, just see him!" Phixx said. "Alright! Blazing fire, rise!" I exclaimed. I immediately changed into Blaze and went out of the window. I went to the hospital using the usual route and jumped straight into the open window. "Whoa, you startled me, Blaze," a familiar voice said.

  You have no idea how happy I was when I saw him. I rushed over and hugged him, and forgetting that I am Blaze, I said, "I missed you." I heard him gasp in shock, but as always, he still returned the hug. "Whoa, what got into you tonight?" he said as I broke the hug. He smiled at me. That smile, I missed that smile so, so much. I smiled back. Then, I remembered that I am Blaze.

  ", I-I'm sorry for hugging you all the sudden. It's just...well..nevermind," I said, feelimg my cheeks getting hotter. "It's okay. You remind me a lot of Cherice though," he said. "D-do I? Wow, I must be her long lost twin or something!" I said. He chuckled. "Yeah, maybe. Only her eyes were blue and not orange like yours."

   Well, my eyes is what making him clueless of who I am. And my hair too, it was a different  shade of red.  "I have some bad news..," he said. "Really? What is it?" I asked. "I'll be discharged out of the hospital tomorrow. Which means the day after tomorrow, I'll have fo face...her." he said. I knew what he meant, so I quickly say, "I'm sure everything will be alright. Has she ever visited you?" I already knew the answer but, I asked anyways. He shook his head. "Everything will be alright. If anything goes wrong, you have me right here. Right by your side. I'll always be there," I said. "Thanks, Blaze," he said, smiling at me. "My pleasure."

  He was smiling, but I know he was still sad. Then, I decided to do something. It's dangerous but it's totally gonna worth it. "Hey, Nath. Do you like the Eiffel Tower?" I asked. "I love the Eiffel Tower. Why?" he asked. "Get up," I said. He got up from his bed ( thank goodness there were no wires and other hospital stuff surrounding him) and I picked him up.

  I carried him bridal style and said, "Hang on tight." "Wha- Blaze! What are you doing?!" he exclaimed. I didn't answer his question, I just went out of the window and went from roof to roof, towards the Eiffel Tower.  When we reached the very top of the Eiffel Tower, I put him back on his feet. "You're crazy," he said. "Crazy and the craziest of them all," I winked at him.

  "Whoa," he said as he looked around. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I said. "It's beautiful. Very beautiful," he replied. There was some faint music playing somewhere down below, but it was loud enough to be heard. "Can you hear that?" I asked. He nodded.  I stared at him as he continued looking around, enjoying the view. Then I thought..

'Maybe..just maybe...if I just give him a chance..'

I sighed. I never do this to anyone, I never open my heart to anyone ever since Laura bullied me. But right now, I'm starting to feel something else. I feel lost without him by my side. I feel empty without him being there, next to me, drawing during classes. I feel lonely as I walked home, as I was so used to walk home with him. I realize that...I need him.



I held my hand to him, but I was facing the buildings in front of me.

"Care to dance with me?"

He looked at me, I could see in the corner of my eye, but he didn't respond. 'Wait what am I doing?' I thought. I was about to laugh and say it was all a joke when he suddenly took my hand. I turned to look at him, he just stared at me. We didn't say anything. Our eyes made eye contact, and I couldn't help but feeling lost in his gaze.

  I put my hands on his neck as he puts his on my waist. We dance, following the slow music, still lost in each other's gaze. After a while, the music stopped. We stopped, but our eye contact still didn't break. I didn't know what I was doing, I was still staring at him and he was doing the same to me. It's like an enchantment. My heart started beating fast as we slowly leaned closer to each other's faces.

And the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine.


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