The Emerald Forest

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Zaxus Pov

Deep in the Emerald forest, I was waiting patiently. Ozpin, the headmaster of beacon, had given me the task of watching the Emerald Forest for heartless while the hunters and huntresses to be were trying to pass initiation. He had also given me an optional secondary task if I thought it was worth my time. Said task was to challenge those who i saw fit that tried to take the chess relics from the temple. So far no one who approached had caught my interest. 

Suddenly several white flashes on the ground appeared, and from them came nobodies in the form of dusks.

( 'think' "speak" ;whisper; A Nobody Or Dark Entity speaking )

Zaxus: I looked at them as they awaited my command. "What have you to say to me?"

"Several Approach my liege"

Zaxus: "Do they seem worthy?"

They all nodded in unison.

Zaxus: "Then wait for my signal" I said before disappearing into a dark corridor and reappearing in a tree near the temple. "And now we wait."

After about ten minutes of waiting i began to hear voices approaching the temple. As they got closer I put my hood back up and sent out a thought to all of the dusks lying in wait.

Soon the owners of the voices arrived at the temple, one a blonde that i recognized as the girl named Yang, the other a black haired girl with a bow who I remembered as Blake. I had been given all the names of the students by Ozpin so I wouldn't have to figure it out on my own. As they walked into the temple I heard a little of their conversation.

Yang:"How about, a cute little pony."


They were about to walk away to go back to beacon, until....


A clear wall of magic appeared in front of them and surrounded them, trapping them in the temple.

And then 5 white flashes appeared on the ground behind them and a dusk soon appeared on each one.

Zaxus: "Now the fun begins."

As the dusks appeared Yang and Blake turned around to face them.

Yang:"Is this a new grimm?"

Blake: "Not sure, but I doubt they're friendly." She drew her weapon in gun form ready to fight.

Yang:"Well they're about to get a piece of my mind."

Yang then charged full sprint at the dusks only for them to dodge and weave away from her punches. She then turned around unloading her shotgun shells at the dusks. While 4 of the dusks dodged one was hit and was sent spinning backwards to Blake who changed her weapon into sword form and sliced the dusk in half. 1 of the remaining nobodies went for Blake while the other 3 tried to subdue Yang. Blake lunged and slashed at her attacker only for it to slither onto the ground to her right getting behind her and swinging one of its arms for a surprise attack. Blake manged to block it but was sent staggering back a bit from the force. Yang was just barely holding her own trying to deal with 3 at once only just barely dodging their attacks. Yang quickly jumped up over a dusk before pointing both of her arms down shooting at the nobody below, making her go higher and destroying the nobody.  

Zaxus:'hmm...maybe they are stronger than I thought........'

As Yang landed, one of the dusks slithered behind her, whipping its legs at her back which caused her to stagger forward in pain from the impact. Before she could recover another one appeared in front of her, back flipping and kicking her in the face before the first one went in and slashed at her again. Blake looked like she wanted to help but the nobody that she was dealing with was not letting up and was preventing her from helping. As the dusk Blake was fighting tried to get behind her, she quickly changed her weapon into a whip before wrapping it around a pillar and pulling her self forwards trying to get some breathing room. Yang quickly jumped again and used her shotgun gauntlets to jump to Blake's location

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