Cheerful Festival, Dark Secrets

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("Talking" 'thinking' ;whispering; A Nobody Or Dark Entity Speaking)

Zaxus Pov

It was night....and it was cold. The lights of the street lamps illuminated the streets and sidewalk. I was staying in the shadows as much as possible to avoid detection. As much as I would like to call this little venture of mine just a little run in the moonlight, it wasn't. I wasn't here to have fun and enjoy the cheerful night air of the festival soon to arrive....I was hunting. Just recently, two bodies were found dead in an ally way. They had no injuries, their organs were all perfectly healthy with no sign of poison, almost as if they had just dropped dead on the spot. Both me and Ozpin knew what did this, and that was the reason I stayed in the shadows. I had been searching for the heartless I saw on the field trip. For the past couple of nights I've scoured Vale over and over again, trying to locate it, but all to no avail. I had come to the conclusion that this new "Shifter Heartless", as I've nicknamed it, won't show itself unless it senses hearts that can be taken without being noticed. Pretty smart for a heartless. Despite all my searching though, I haven't seen anything. I jumped on top of a building and was looking down at the streets below. 

Zaxus:*Sigh* "Still really are a smart one aren't you."

I took out my scroll from my coat pocket and looked at the time. It was starting to get really late. I turned to start roof jumping back through the city for one last time, but I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see...a girl of all things... Why was someone walking this late at night? The girl had bright orange hair and was calmly walking on the sidewalk, and while she looked normal enough, something about her felt off. Before I could question what I was sensing, darkness had began to seep out of a nearby alleyway. From that darkness came a couple of shadows and neo shadows, hungry for hearts and ready to plague the city in darkness.

Zaxus:"Crap...not now."

They immediately ran at the girl, trying to attack before she could react or cry out. Without a second thought I jumped from the building a dove down at the heartless who were just about to take a victim. The girl had just now seen the danger and looked like she was about to react, But...


I summoned hollow seeker and sliced several of the heartless in two.

Zaxus:"If you really thought I was going to let you take a life that easily, then you're dumber than dirt."

I summoned dark desire to my right hand and pointed at the remaining heartless.

Zaxus:"Hey, lady. If you're not too shaken up, I would suggest you get to safety."

???. Girl:"Oh, you don't have to worry about me. I'm combat ready!"

Zaxus:"Suit yourself."

It looked like there about a dozen shadows and a couple of neo shadows, nothing too deadly, but at the same time I wasn't sure that this girl could defend herself against these enemies. Right as I was about to rush the remaining heartless, five floating swords sped past me and sliced through several of the heartless. I turned around to see that the girl was controlling the blades. 

Zaxus:'Ok, that's new.'

Out of all the things I was expecting to happen, that was not what I had in mind. Even it was a strange turn of events, at least she knows what she's doing. I turned my attention back to the matter at hand and charged at the small group of neo shadows. There were five of them, and they all went to try and attack me, hoping to cause some damage, but I quickly dived and rolled under most their swipes and slashes. I then quickly turned around and began making strowng swings in their direction, slicing two in half with one swing, and dismembering another with two swipes from hollow seeker. Before the other two could retaliate, I swung hollow seeker behind me and brought dark desire over my left shoulder. I then charged at them, spinning to the right and unlocking my arms from their position to perform a slashing double spin. I hit one in the torso, instantly killing it and causing it to fade. The other one tried to retaliate, but I jumped back and crossed my arms over my stomach before lunging and bringing my blades up in an upwards X slash. The neo shadow was hit and was returned to darkness. I rested my blades on my shoulders, and turned to look and see if the orange haired girl needed help. At the moment, she had nearly dispatched all of the regular shadows and was just starting to finish the last of them off. She dodged an attack from a shadow before quickly and gracefully slicing it in half with one her swords in half. She then summoned the rest of her blades back to her, and launched them all out at the remaining shadows, slicing them to pieces. At that moment, I looked at her, still sensing something was strange about her. Then it hit me. I could sense a heart within her, but I could sense no life. She wasn't human....she wasn't even organic. She wasn't a nobody either... 

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