Dark Connections

387 13 1

( "talking" 'thinking' ;whispering; A Nobody or Dark Entity Speaking )



Time:_1:00 P.m.-------


Zaxus Pov

Darkness....something I had grown so close to, so accustomed to.....it feels like the only power I could ever wield now...and it was fitting for me to use darkness to travel to other worlds. I was currently traveling through a dark corridor from Remnant to another world. I hadn't planed on doing this today, but it was necessary. This morning I had gotten up and taken care of myslef like I always did: Get dressed, do some morning hygiene, keep myself from getting bored to death, those kinds of things. Not ten minutes ago, however, I was contacted by Master Yen Sid, and was requested to meet with him. While I have exchanged words with him on several occasions via messages, I've never really held many conversations with him in person. Why would he ask me to see him in person? I shook my head. Whatever the case he must have a good reason.

I exited the dark corridor and stepped out into the cold night, breathing in the fresh air as I closed the corridor behind me. I looked up from the ground at Yen Sid's twisted star tower, just as mysterious as the last time I was here.

Zaxus:"Alright Yen Sid, I'm here, time to find out what you want."

I then walked to the door and entered the tower, climbing up the spiral staircase that would lead me to whatever awaited at the top. Once I got up there, I opened another door, entering the room at the top of the tower to reveal Master Yen Sid sitting down in his throne like chair in front of his table. His eyes were closed, as if he were in deep thought. I then brought the hood of my coat down to reveal my face, and then put an arm over my chest and bowed. 

Zaxus:"You wished to speak with me?"

His eyes opened up, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned a chair on my side of the table with a poof of magic and closed the door behind me.

Yen Sid:"Indeed. Thank you for coming so quickly, have a seat, there are matters for us to discuss."

I walked over to chair and sat down trying to relax myself  and become calm.

Zaxus:"And what matters would that be?"

Yen Sid:"Your time spent in the world of Remnant of course."

Zaxus:"Yes, of course..."

I sighed before looking out the window at the star filled space outside. My time on remnant, where do I even begin.

Zaxus:"Well, there are plenty of things to discuss on that matter. Some of them a cause for concern. I'll tell you what I've decided to tell Ozpin so far first, then I'll give you the rest of what I have to report."

Yen Sid:"Hmm...Very well. Please, continue."

Zaxus:*Sigh* "Well, while the heartless situation isn't getting completely out of hand, its not getting better. More dangerous heartless are starting to appear, and the shadows are starting to become more common. No matter how many I destroy, they always seem to be growing in number."

Yen Sid closed his eyes again at hearing this. He was probably hoping for better news than this, and I can't blame him for that reaction.

Zaxus:" Worse still, there is another threat in the form of a new heartless." 

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