A struggle to remember

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( "talking" 'Thinking' ;whispering; A Nobody Or Dark Entity Speaking )

Zaxus Pov

This... really isn't my day is it.

There stood in front of me were two of the strongest pureblood heartless, the dark hides. Their unique glowing red eyes shining in the darkness they generated. I summoned dark desire to my right hand and got into my battle stance. 

Zaxus:"At least its not in the dark realm."

As soon as I said that, they both lunged at me, swinging the chains on their wrists to try and hit me with them. I jumped 20 feet into the air and pointed my keyblades downward to cast megaflare, but stopped.

Zaxus:'crap. If I do that the others will come to investigate, and get themselves killed.'

Instead I transformed dark desire into a greatsword and slammed it down on one's back. It reeled back from the pain and whipped its head to the side and tried to bite down on me, but I jumped out of the way and cast dark firaga. The second one did a flip in the air doing a somersault attack with its claws. I quickly blocked the attack and swiped the key-sword to the right scratching it on the face and causing it to jump back.  

Zaxus: "Okay. So I'm fighting two of the most deadly heartless, I can't use high tier spells, and I have a chance that these two will cause casualties.......well this sucks."

They both charged at me again, but I quickly dodged to the right and changed dark desire back into a key before casting blizzaga burst. One of them was hit in the leg by the blast, freezing it in place. The second one charged at me, but as I was about to swing my blades, it jumped up and avoided my attack, quickly bringing its claws down onto me and slashing my chest. I staggered back from the force of the hit and tried to retaliate, but it jumped back before doing a spiral lunge attack, knocking me backwards by about 10 feet. I was about to try and cast blizzaga again, but I got sent flying by a paw, sending me a couple meters into the air. I recovered mid air to see the first one had gotten itself free in time to disrupt my spell. 

One of them jumped into the air while the second whipped one of its chains in my direction, intending on trying to immobilize me. 


I cast blizzaga burst in the air, causing a small explosion of ice in front of my keyblade, freezing the heartless in the air and causing the chain to bounce off the ice.


I then cast zero graviga, causing the heartless to both start floating and unable to move. I then used dark splicer on the two, constantly teleporting around. 


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