Familiar Shadow, Untouched Secrets

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3rd Pov

It was the end of the school day for the students of Beacon, and many were returning to their dorms or heading out to the city of Vale, while a few others were simply going their own way. One example of those few, was a member of team RWBY, more specifically, Yang. Instead of doing the usual routine of going into Vale to have fun, hanging out with her team, or attempting to do homework, she was clearing out the remnants of the items that were left in Zaxus' room after her rampage from a couple days ago. While he had cleared out some of the room earlier in the day, she was there finishing the small amount of the mess left inside. They had decided to talk some more about the repairs to the room, and how much Yang would contribute to fixing it and paying for replacements to the rooms furniture. Originally she wanted to pay for everything as a way to fully apologize and wouldn't take no for an answer... then he later showed her the full cost of what would be bought to replace just about everything... then she realized letting him pay for most of it would be the smart way to avoid becoming completely poor. So they settled on Yang simply paying for some of the smaller furniture items and cleaning out a larger portion of the rubble. So, that's what she spent the last hour doing, cleaning out the room. She had managed to clear out about almost everything, including half of a broken bed, bits and pieces from the wardrobe, and the poor remains of a TV and console with a broken game disk inside. Walking back into the room, she stretched and let out a sigh of relief as she saw that the last thing inside was a simple small nightstand with a drawer and a cabinet with a lock on it. The stand was missing a few chunks and pieces, but for the most part, it was still relatively intact.

Yang:"Finally! Just one more thing and I can go relax for the day." 

She walked over to the nightstand and picked it up before walking back to the door. Before she could get to said door, the bottom of the stand that was barely hanging on finally fell off due to the strain of gravity, causing it to land right on her foot and trip her up.


She then fell face first onto the floor while the stand flew forward and hit the wall, causing the locked cabinet door on it to break off... letting something fall out and land on the floor next to it.

 letting something fall out and land on the floor next to it

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Yang:"Ugh, damn that hurt!" 

She was clutching her nose as it took the brunt of the fall first, but when she got up and shook her head, her eyes were drawn to what had fallen out of the cabinet...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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