Dark Times Ahead

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("Talking" 'thinking' ;whispering; A Nobody or Dark Entity speaking )

Zaxus Pov

Sometime_at_night_in_Vale. Location: Cargo_Docks.

I stood on a lone cargo crate, surveying the surrounding area. It was dark and it was cold. I was there waiting for Blake and Sun to arrive. Earlier, we agreed to meet up at a specific spot to wait and see if the White Fang were really behind all of the Dust robberies.  

Flashback: Earlier_that_day.

Zaxus:"This is gonna be a long day."...."So, what do you have in mind?"

Sun:"Well, the only way to prove that the White Fang didn't do it would be to go to the place where they would most likely do it again, and wait to see if they show up or not. Right?"

Blake:"And where would that be?"

Sun:"Well, while I was on the ship, I heard that they were gonna unload a big supply of dust at the docks tonight."

Blake:"How big?.."


Zaxus:"Welp, guess we know where to wait. Lets meet up at the docks later tonight."

Blake:"You're not staying with us?"

Zaxus:"No, not at the moment. As fun as it would be to hang out with you two all day, I've still got work to do, so try not to draw too much attention while I'm gone, ok?" 

Blake:*sigh* "Ok, we'll meet you there."


So there I stood, looking around the dark area. I had been there earlier to watch the workers unload the Atlas crates full of dust, and was still waiting for them to finish and leave the crates unguarded. So far, all was well. I then sensed something coming from a couple of nearby crates on the ground. I turned towards the crates down below, and instinctively summoned Dark Desire and Hollow Seeker to my hands. I then went behind the crates slowly, intending on sneaking up on whoever was around, until...


I then swung Dark Desire upwards and held it up to someone's throat, but unfortunately, I also had a blade held at mine. I looked over at the swords owner to find a very surprised Blake, with Dark Desire against her throat. I immediately let go of Dark Desire, causing it to disappear as I gave Blake an apologetic look from under my hood. She lowered Gambol Shroud and gave me the same look. 

Zaxus:"Heh, guess there's no sneaking up on you, is there? 'Least its nice to know you're prepared."

Blake:"To be honest, you did get close enough to have a sword to my throat, so you got close at least."

Zaxus:"Yeah....Hey, where's..."

Sun:"Up here."

I looked up to see Sun crouching on top of a nearby warehouse, looking down at us. He then jumps down to the ground close to where we were standing.

Sun:"So, the gangs all here, now what?"

Zaxus:"Now, I guess we pick a spot, sit down, and wait to see if the White Fang do show up."

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