Heartless of The Storm

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(A.N.: So that makes over 500 reads. I knew I was probably going to get that many at some point, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. Thanks for all the reads and also thanks for the thirteen upvotes. It means a lot. With that out of the way, On With The Story!) 

( "Talking" ;whispering; 'thinking' A Nobody Or Dark Entity Speaking )

Zaxus Pov

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting my window, and large amounts of thunder booming outside. I opened my eyes to see that there was a large storm raging outside, and It didn't look like it was letting up. I yawned before looking at my scroll and seeing it was 5:30 in the morning.


I didn't remember there being a warning for a thunder storm in the weather report. What was going on? I got up out of bed and quickly changed into my black coat. I looked outside the window to see that the rain had started to turn into a light hail. Something was off. Storms like this don't just appear out of the blue without at least someone doing a weather report noticing it. 

I then quickly decided to take a trip to the Emerald Forest to see if I could find a cause for this storm. Besides, I always kinda enjoyed storms.......if it was even possible for me to enjoy them in the first place. I quickly sent a text on my scroll to Ozpin saying I might be absent this morning due to me wanting to visit the forest for a bit. I put up my hood before making a dark corridor to the spot where the students were launched into the forest for initiation. Once I exited the corridor, I was immediately pelted by the hail and rain, and was almost blown off my feet from the powerful winds. I regained my balance and looked around the area. All the dirt had been turned into a thick mud, and any slopes that had once existed were now rivers of muck and filth with bits of grass or tree bark floating down it every once in a while. Considering I wasn't in the mood to walk on the wet terrain and risk slipping and possibly damaging myself, I decided to travel via tree-jumping. I sprang from tree to tree, searching with all my senses to see if I could find the cause of the storm. While I was jumping, I looked down every now and then to often see grimm wandering the wet terrain. While they didn't appear to be that off put by the storm, they were definitely having trouble walking in a straight line without getting blown off course by the random gusts of wind. This storm was not natural in the slightest, and I was starting notice it getting progressively worse the deeper I went into the forest. I jumped off a branch onto a large rock protruding from the ground. I landed on it and looked around only to see bits of hail strewn about the zone, bits and pieces of the landscape covered in slushy puddles of ice.

The whole entire area looked completely uninhabitable. Trees were stripped of their leaves, the ground was a thick mud that pulled you in and that went up to almost your knees in some places. I closed my eyes for a moment and concentrated, trying to sense and search the surrounding area for anything off putting. Nothing came to me. I kept my eyes closed and focused. Still nothing.......wait.....something was coming....and it was coming fast. My eyes snapped open in time to see a large dark shadow appear on the ground and pass over me. I looked up to see a dark silhouette in the clouds, illuminated by the lightning that was constantly lighting up the sky. Then another appeared....and another... There I stood, staring at the sky as the three shadows circled round each other. Then without warning all three shadows dived down, and out of the clouds came several blasts of wind, water, and air aimed at me. I teleported off the rock to a tree before the element blasts made contact. I looked behind me to see the rock get obliterated, and then looked up to search for my attackers. What I saw before me was something I really didn't want to see, but had to look at anyway.  

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