Boring Morning........not.

407 13 5

( "Talking" 'Thinking' ;whispering; A Nobody Or Dark Entity Speaking )

3rd Pov




Somewhere, in a, Grimm were wandering the barren wastelands, no life aside from them could be seen for miles and miles. However despite all of this, there was a large castle in the center of this dark place, and within that castle, was someone sitting on a throne in front of a long table. All the other seats were empty, and the only one in the room was the person. The person was a woman with deathly pale skin, and dark veins running along her body. Her eyes were closed, deep in thought. She was thinking about the boy.... For what ever reason, there was something within him giving them a dark connection, like the Grimm outside, but different. She had sensed his presence long before, but never paid it any mind... not until now. Every time he slept, she could feel his mind opening up to her, revealing things that he would not share while in his awakened state. Every night, she would connect to his mind, and harvest those secrets... she had seen so many things through these thoughts and memories of his, information on the creatures known as heartless and nobodys, small parts of his past... but no matter how hard she tried to creep within his mind to see his deepest secrets, his subconscious would never give way. As frustrating as it was, she guessed it was only natural...but for these thoughts to be so heavily guarded, surely meant they were of much importance. Suddenly, there was a noise, and she opened her deep, red eyes. There was breeze blowing from the doors to the stairs. Something was approaching. The doors slowly creaked open, to only reveal nothing there.

???:......"Your attempt at hiding isn't amusing..." 

The woman spoke out to the nothingness... and was answered by several black puddles appearing around the table. From those dark puddles appeared heartless, neoshadows as they were called. A much larger black puddle appeared on the table in front of her, and from it rose a terrifying figure. It wore a black coat that completely covered its body, but the coat wasn't much better to look at. The zipper teeth looked more true to their name as they were giant bladed fangs of metal. On the coat's sides were slight outlines that were purple and looked like strange disfigured ribs. The hands poking out of the sleeves were dark shadowy claws with blade like fingers, and the feet were just about the same. And under the hood, was a pair of glowing yellow dot like eyes, uncaring and cold.

The woman smiled cruelly as the Shifter heartless appeared.

???: "So, you did heed my call, dark one."

With a hungry look in its eyes, the Shifter lunged forward and was about to slash at the woman and take her heart, until.

???: "Enough."

The Shifter stopped mid swing and stood there motionless. It then drew back its arm and stood back up, awaiting further commands.

???: *chuckle*...."Maybe you'll prove to be more useful than the boy, and far more obedient."





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