(150 reader special) A War of Wills

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(A.n.: Thank you for all the reads, I really appreciate it. This special will be cannon to the story and will probably be referenced or even be used in later chapters. Again thanks for the reads, and I hope you guys enjoy the story as much as I do.)

("talking"'thinking';whispering; A Nobody Or Dark Entity speaking)

Zaxus Pov

I woke up to my scroll ringing, which was weird because it was currently 2:00 in the morning. I groggily got up from my bed and looked at my scroll to see...Ozpin calling me.

Zaxus:"Must be urgent..."

I yawned before answering the scroll.

Ozpin: "Zaxus, I apologize for calling you this late but we have a situation in the office and I need you here immediately."

He sounded serious and anxious about whatever was going on. 

Zaxus:"I'll be up there shortly."

I ended the call and got out of bed before quickly throwing on my black coat. I put my hood up and made a dark corridor to his office and walked through it quickly closing it behind me. As I entered the office, I noticed the people there consisted of Ozpin himself, Glynda, Port, and Oobleck. They all noticed my arrival but payed no attention to me, they were looking at something in the room. I directed my attention to what they were looking at and saw, what can only be described as a sort of portal.

Ozpin:"Zaxus, can you tell us what this is?"

They all kept their eyes on it, waiting to see if anything would come out.

Zaxus:"...It looks like a dark corridor, but....its too different. I honestly have no idea where this could lead to, or why its even here."

They all looked at each other as if trying to make a decision.  

Zaxus:"If you all are thinking about sending someone in, its going to be me. Even if you all are trained and experienced hunters, it could lead to another world. Its wisest if I go alone."

Glynda looked like she was going to protest, but Ozpin silenced her with a wave of his hand.

Ozpin:"If you're willing, then I guess that's the wisest choice we have."

They all looked at me, and I gave them a silent nod. I walked to the portal and turned to face them.

Zaxus:"I'll make sure to come back in one piece."

I then walked through, preparing for whatever came next.

3rd Pov

As Zaxus disappeared, Glynda looked at Ozpin in a questioning manner.

Glynda:"Why didn't you let us go with him? He could need help!'

Ozpin:"You and I both know that if we went with him, it could do more harm than good. If that does lead to another realm...then we are of no help there, as the laws and ways of combat are different there. There are things in the other worlds we do not yet understand, such as the keyblade."

Oobleck:"As much as I would love to learn the history of other worlds and unlock their secrets, Ozpin is right. We are not ready for whatever lies beyond that gateway."

Glynda:"And what if he's not prepared for whats in there either?"

Ozpin:"......Then none shall ever set foot in there again." 

They all turned their attention back to the portal, staring at.

Ozpin:"You should all get some rest, its still early enough to get some sleep."

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