Dark Impetus

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A.n.: Well, if any of you are familiar with the Bbs secret bosses, you already know what's coming. And as always, I'm grateful for all the reads and upvotes I've gotten. Means a lot to me. Now without further a due, On With The Story!

("Talking" 'thinking' ;whispering; "A Nobody or dark entity speaking" )





Zaxus Pov

Normally, people spend there free time during lunch our grabbing a bite to eat or hanging with friends and relaxing. Me on the other hand? I was currently training in the secondary combat gym. While I would usually be in my dorm or wandering around Veil at this time looking for the Shifter, I hadn't had as many heartless missions as usual lately, so I had plenty of energy to burn off in the training area. Aside from sharpening my skills against holograms that the room was programmed to simulate, it also meant I could be alone and think for a while without getting a message or a knock on my door.

Zaxus:"Set difficulty level to five. Enemy type: Soldier class heartless."  

Training room:"Acknowledged."

After I said that, several blue heartless holograms appeared in front of me, those being duel blades and armored knights.

After I said that, several blue heartless holograms appeared in front of me, those being duel blades and armored knights

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With about a dozen of them on the field, they charged as soon as they were done spawning in

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With about a dozen of them on the field, they charged as soon as they were done spawning in. I immediately charged as well, dodging under a swing from a duel blade before swinging Dark desire upward and destroying the heartless. Before any of them could try to retaliate, I span round to the right and threw Dark desire in a dark strike raid attack, hitting a couple of them and causing the rest to jump to the left or right. I quickly locked on and used dark volley to destroy the rest, the shots ripping through them like paper.

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