Another Night, Another Fight

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A.n.: So due to literally only two people voting, those people being @skullkid1 and @khuxheaven, (thx btw for voting) Zaxus will be using Infinity as his Ethereal blades whenever he decides to use them. Also I gave Dark Desire and Hollow Seeker updated designs, so go back to the Bio and backstory to have a look at them, and if you want to give your opinion, tell me what you think about the new designs. And as always, I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying the story, thanks for all the votes. Now, without any further author note ramblings, on with the story!

("Talking" 'thinking' "A Nobody or Dark Entity Speaking")





3rd Person Pov.

Outside the doors to the holographic training room, Cinder can be seen walking away from said room, and heading towards the transfer dorms, where the other two members of her team were waiting. An obvious expression of disappointment could be seen on her face, most likely due to the fact that once again she had failed to get any reaction or answer she wanted from Zaxus. No matter what she did, it seemed completely impossible to get him to talk about anything. Just when she thought she might be able to convince him to hang around with her team or exchange information, he would always brush off her advances and requests, stating he had work to do, or was just simply too tired. Even tactics she thought would work on any guy here completely failed to trigger a response from him. The annoying part about it though, was the fact that it was expected. From what she was informed about him, he was something known as a nobody, a being of great strength that lacks any and all emotion. An empty vessel that can only remember what it was like to feel, meaning that no matter how she tried to play with his emotions, to bend him to her will through words... it wouldn't work, because he had no emotions to toy with. The only way to possibly even get close to being on nice terms with him was to most likely actually befriend him, then work her way up from there like that Blake girl from team RWBY. How that secretive girl even managed to befriend him was lost on Cinder.

She used her scroll to open her team's dorm room door, and walked inside. Quickly closing the door behind her, she was greeted by her two teammates, Emerald, who was currently one her bed looking at her scroll, and Mercury, who was on the floor reading a comic book.

Cinder:"I hope whatever you called me here for was urgent, you interrupted me in a very important moment."

Mercury:"And by important, you mean trying to win over and befriend the elusive Hooded Hunter, right?"

Cinder gave him a very irritated glare, confirming his question. 

Mercury:"Judging from that look, he didn't talk much."

Cinder:*sigh* "Precisely. From what I've asked about him from other students, he doesn't seem like a person that warms up to others easily. Almost everyone here is too terrified to even try speaking to him, and everyone says aside from a few occasions, he's almost never seen wandering or hanging around with others, and if he is, he's with a member of RWBY or most likely speaking to Ozpin."

Mercury:"Not to mention he's an emotionless nobody."

Cinder began to wonder if he even had any experience dealing with someone who showed interest in him even slightly, or if he was just simply too occupied with other things to even care. 

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