Chapter 2

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Jade's P.O.V

Six hours, six hours, that's how long my so-called parents have been fighting, it's now 9:00.

I decide to get off my bed and go into the secret part of my closet nobody knows about I start getting ready to leave, pulling on my black leather pants, my black tank top, my white mask and finally my black leather jacket.

I gently open my bedroom window stuff a few pillows under the covers and grab a few knives then exit my window. 

* * *

I have been sitting on a rooftop listening to a police radio for about two hours until along came a man screaming coming from a nearby alleyway. 

I dash to the edge of the building's rooftop and I see two men in an alley. One had a 9-inch blade to the other's throat.

Suddenly before I even realize what I had done I was down on top of a large dumpster hearing me land on the lid they both looked right up at me the one with the blade let go of the other one and before I knew it the guy who had once been held to that blade only moments ago left without me being able to check him for any injuries, next thing I knew the guy with the blade came at me I did a backflip off of the dumpster landing softly on the pavement. 

Afterward, well, you could say nobody would be seeing him ever again. 

I started heading back to my house when I heard growling noises. I ran towards where I heard it then, well I saw five men in yet another alley, is it just me or do a lot of crimes happen in alleys.

I saw one guy take a step closer to the two against the wall in the alley, then the next thing I knew is both guys against the wall had their necks broken. I was surprised because usually, I'm faster than any criminal, but this guy was a whole new level of fast. Then it's just my luck they turn towards me.

"Mine," the tall guy with black hair says while growling at the other two guys that were there, meanwhile I was being pushed into the side of a car by the still growling man sparks erupting where his hands were on my hips, you know just another day at the office. I shivered as he touched me then I snapped back to the real world and shoved his hands off me as I did it. I heard a low growl come from him. And then I ran off into the night. 

* * * *

The next morning I got up out of bed only having gotten two hours of sleep that night because I had a lot of crimes to handle. I finally decided to get my lazy ass out of bed. I thought it best to take a cold shower, while in the shower I noticed a brand new scar on my arm. Luckily for me it wasn't very noticeable. 

I soon got out of the shower changed into some fresh jeans and a sleeveless tight yellow shirt with buttons down the front then I slipped on my black leather jacket and threw on some black sneakers, very pleased with the fashion choices I made, I grabbed my backpack slung it over one shoulder and ran down the stairs and out the door. 

* * *

By the time I reached Gen's house I was so hungry, I could eat a horse, not that I would.

I burst through their front door and was soon greeted by Amila Gen's mom.

"Hi Jade, I see you are earlier than usual, breakfast is almost ready." She said smiling at me.

I almost always come to Gen's house for breakfast and dinner, why because Amila and Jeffrey treat me like they do their own kids because they know what my home life is like so they kind of stepped up for the role of my loving parents.

"Genevieve, come down for breakfast, oh and Zachary, don't forget to take your medicine," Amila called up the stairs at her two kids.

I noticed Gen had walked down the stairs holding none other than Hammy Lewis's pet pig. I made her watch mostly because I hate that pig with a burning passion. 

* * *

Me and Gen and unfortunately Zachary had all walked to school together. They lived close enough that we were only like two blocks away.

When we reached school, Gen and I saw Lewis and ran over to him.

"Hey Lewis here is your pig, now are you going anywhere else." Gen sped out her words while handing Lewis his pig.

"Umm no, why." Was his only reply.

"Thank goodness." Was Gen's response, before rubbing her temples.

Hallelujah, I thought to myself silently that pig should have been turned into bacon a while ago. It is extremely mean. I am pretty sure it has a vendetta against me. 

See, this is why I don't pet sit.

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