Chapter 17

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James’s P.O.V

It’s been a few days since the incident in my office with my desk, but Jayden still hasn’t calmed down. He really misses his mate, and so do I. I haven't seen Jade in three weeks and seven hours in counting, I really miss her. I swear as soon as I find the bastards that took her I’m gonna kill them all. Next thing I know Mason walks into my room with my Gamma, or third in command Colby.

“Alpha,” They both say as they walk into the room.

“Has the Luna been tracked down yet?” Colby asks me.

“I haven’t found them yet, and it’s driving me crazy,” I tell them before pouring myself a glass of water.

“Well the pack warriors are ready to-” I quickly cut him off with my hand.

“If we go in there guns blazing, there’s a good chance they'll kill her, and that’s not a risk I’m willing to take,” I say, taking a large gulp of water, before putting the glass down on my desk and leaning against the wall.

“James is right Colb, we can’t just walk in there and get her, they could kill her,we need to be cautious and wise.” Mason speaks up.

“So what's the plan then?” Colby asks.

“Honestly, I have no idea, but I do know one thing. The pack warriors aren’t all that should be training, we need everyone training.” I say before sitting at my desk.

“Wait, so are we bringing everyone to get the Luna, cause that doesn’t seem like a smart idea.” Mason says.

“No, but everyone does need training, just in case. For some reason I have a bad feeling and I think it would be wise to have everyone trained, even the pups.” I say before the both nod their heads and leave the room. I promise Jade wherever you are I will find you and bring you back.

Third person’s P.O.V

Meanwhile while James was trying to find his mate, Jade was training.

Jade’s P.O.V

“When casting a spell, you need to use passion and you need to believe it’ll work so try again.” Anala Tells me.

“Lux ego summonitories thee, Praesidio et circumdantibua mihi.Lux ego summonitories thee, Praesidio et circumdantibua mihi.Lux ego summonitories thee, Praesidio et circumdantibua mihi!” I say finishing the spell. When I look up I see a huge bright light shining above me.

“Well you mastered the light spell, now turn it off.” Anala says.

“I can’t, you haven’t told me how to turn it off yet,” I tell her.

“Oh it’s simple you just say the word off in Latin, you say off in whatever language the spell is in.”

“Are you kidding I don’t know Latin!” I tell her, confused.

“Funny considering the spell was in Latin,” she says.

“Okay listen to me say prohibere, it’s stop in latin,” she tells me.

“Prohibere!” I yelled, causing the light to stop.

“Good, now let’s practice another spell, hmm, oh I know how about a storm spell, you should find one in the spell book.” She tells me, I turn pages in the book until I see the spell.

“Ventus et maria partum a ventum, mittere quod volantes super mihi.” I say the spell then I look up to see a hurricane.

“Wrong spell, that’s a hurricane spell!!!!” Anala yells angrily.

“Well how was I supposed to know I can’t read fucking Latin, how do I turn it off?”

“You don’t, that’s the whole point of a hurricane spell, there’s a spell to stop it, but it’s beyond your level, and mine.” she yells.

I then instantly flip through the pages of the book, to find the spell to stop the hurricane.

“We’ll see if it’s beyond my level,” I yell.

“Ventus et maria ego mandatum vos to sit ire autem hac ventum!!!!” I yell the spell with all the power of my being. Next thing I know a flash of lighting strikes and the water and wind have stopped.

“ did it, you stopped the hurricane, but I can’t even do that spell?” Anala asks.

“I guess it  works better if you're a Dorvalian witch,” I say, turning to her.

“No, it’s more than that, come on, we need to get you to Artemis, now.” She says then grabs my hand dragging me behind her.


“Yep, it’s exactly as I thought.”Artemis says.

“What is?” I ask.

“You’re the chosen one.” She tells me.

“Chosen one of what?” I ask.

“It’s an old Dorvalian prophecy, you're the person whose been chosen to have your family line carry on all magic, old, sacred, and even black magic. You were chosen centuries ago to be the bearer of some of the most important magic of all, it said that one day the chosen one would give birth to another chosen one, who would give birth to the most powerful creature that would ever live, but nobody knows if it’s going to be good or evil.”That was the last thing I heard, before I blacked out. 

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