Chapter 16

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Jade’s P.O.V

We were walking down a dimly lit corridor trying to get me to the room that had blood in it, when suddenly I felt some sort of energy flow through me. I almost tripped, but I managed to catch myself. I didn’t know what was going on. But now I felt stronger, more powerful.

Lawrence quickly pulled me into a large room, before closing the door behind us. I looked around the room only to see several machines pumping blood, and for some reason I actually didn’t mind it. Probably because I’m part vampire. I walked over to one of the machines. I don’t know why, but for some reason I was drawn to this specific one. The smell, it was like nothing I’d ever smelled before. It smelled sweet like it was chocolate or something, except this was stronger. 

I saw a clock out of the corner of my right eye, I looked at it to see that it was almost midnight, but it does make sense. Probably because it was around ten-thirty at night when I started talking to Lawrence. Just then my body started shaking, I felt a drilling pain in my head. My teeth felt as though someone was trying to yank them out with a pair of pliers.  

“Ahhh” I put my hands to my head, I felt a calm painful feeling wash over me. Before I knew it I was on my knees, when suddenly the pain was all gone. I slowly stood to my feet and walked over to the blood machine, drinking a pouch filled with blood. 


After awhile of being in the room I drank two small pouches of blood, before leaving the room and going outside. Once I got outside to the gardens I ran into Lawrence.

“Jade, what are you doing out here? You were supposed to stay in that room, it’s dangerous for you to be out here,” he says.

“Why?” I ask

“Because you might not be able to control yourself from killing someone,” he tells me before leading me back to the room. 

Once we got back into the room I smelled the blood more than I had before. I didn’t even realize what I was doing until I tasted the blood. I had started drinking blood without knowing I was doing it.

“You didn’t even realize you were drinking the blood until now did you?” Lawrence asks me.

“I guess I’m just gonna have to learn how to control it,” I tell him.

“I guess so, and since that’s the case we should start by helping you figure out what your abilities are,” he says

“Abilities?” I question him.

“Yes, every Vampire has abilities,”

“Like what?” I ask.

“Like super strength, speed, inhumane agility, the ability to dull your emotions and have enhanced emotion, dream manipulation, compulsion, immortality, accelerated healing, and photographic memory. Those are the powers that every vampire has, but most vampires also have their own unique gifts,” he says.

“Wait, how come sunlight hasn’t killed me then?” I ask curiously.

“That is a myth, sunlight can’t kill us. It’ll hurt like hell, but it can’t kill you. But seeing as how you're also a witch you're probably immune to sunlight,” he says as he walks over to blood on the wall and drinks some.

“Do you know what kind of powers my witch side has?” I ask him hoping he does.

“I’m afraid not, I don’t know the powers you’ll have. Your mother once told me that Dorvalian witches have different powers than an average witch, so I really don’t know,” he admits.

“Well what about weaknesses?” I ask, hoping there aren't a lot.

“Well since you're a witch I honestly don’t know your weaknesses, or if you even have any,” he tells me.

“So you don’t know if I have any weaknesses?” 

“Nope, sorry,”

“I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing,” I say honestly.

“Me either,” he replies quietly.

“Well I’m gonna retire to bed, it’s almost morning, I’ll see you when I wake up,” he says before leaving the room.


After a while of being in the room drinking blood it was 7:30 in the morning, when I decided I had drunk enough blood. I left the room and as soon as I walked out of the room Apollo grabbed my hand and started pulling me somewhere.

“Where the fuck are we going?” I asked as he dragged me.

“To Dorvale, we are meeting a witch who is going to help you figure out your powers,” he tells me as I almost run into a wall. Within five minutes of walking he opened the portal to Dorvale and we were sucked in.

As soon as we got out of the portal I landed on my knees in a pile of dirt.

“I really gotta learn how to master landing on my feet after getting out of that thing,” I say before standing up and dusting off my light kapri jeans.

“Come on,” Apollo says before grabbing my hand and dragging me again.

Soon we reached a large wooden house, and we saw three women come out.

“I told you they were here Adara,” one of them said.

“Oh hush Artemis,” another said.

“Both of you be quiet, you're giving me a headache,” the last one said.

“Apollo, it’s so good to see you,” one of them came over and hugged Apollo, before turning to me.

“Violetta, my how you’ve grown, last time I saw you, you were just a baby. You’ve grown up beautifully,” she tells me.

“Thanks, but who exactly are you?” I ask her.

“Oh pardon, where are my manners. I am Anala and those two over there are Adara and Artemis. We’re witches and old friends of your birth mother’s,” She says before the one with blonde hair spoke up.

“I’m Artemis, I’m gonna help you learn how to use your powers,” she says as the one I’m guessing who’s named Adara walks over to us.

“I’ll be teaching you how to make potions,” she tells me.

“And I’ll be teaching you how to cast spells,” Anala says, before they all lead me into the house as Apollo walks the opposite direction.

“Apollo” I called his name.

“Yes” he says.

“Where are you going?” I ask him.

“Relax I’m just going to tell your father that your training here with them,”

“Okay,” I tell him before following Anala and the others into the house.


Another chapter of the Masked Stranger. Also I just want you all to know since I'm gonna be home all april now from school, many of you forgot to vote, so now the Maksed Stranger is the book I'm putting all my focus into for now, thanks so much for reading my books it means a lot to me. Don't forget to read SashaNichol's books as well as Silvia_Belle's.

Signed the Author

Sarah G

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