Chapter 23

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Third person’s P.O.V.

As Jade sat on a rock looking to see if her sister was near she felt a strange pulsing feeling run through her arms, causing her to rub her arms. Then she suddenly got a splitting headache. Her eyes rolled back in her head then came back, but this time they were black. She could sense a presence and not one she wanted around.

Meanwhile James and Apollo had gotten everyone who couldn’t and shouldn’t fight to safety, now they were preparing for the upcoming battle. James felt an odd sensation he knew wasn’t his own he could tell it was coming from the mate bond. He knew his mate was on edge she was scared that he would get hurt, even though he’d never let that happen. He thought about rushing to her, but it would only make things worse for them in the end. He needed everyone including himself focused on the war. He got pulled out of his thoughts by someone trying to mind link with him.

“Alpha the Luna just spotted the enemy heading our way, what’s the plan?” The soldier asked him.

“I’ll mindlink the plan to everyone.” James told him before mindlinking the plan to everyone.

Jade’s P.O.V.

I sat on the rock waiting for my long lost sister to get closer. I knew pretty soon she was going to spot me, and when she did I knew exactly what I was going to do. I didn’t know if everyone would survive this battle or not, but I had to try. Even that was better than failure.

“Well well well, my my what do we have here it’s my dear long lost sister. How sweet two sisters who finally meet after so long. I’ve waited awhile for this sister.” Verdianna says staring right at me.

“Blood hardly makes us family, and you and I are not sisters. You're just a low life scum bag.” I say practically hissing my words.

“Tsk tsk tsk, you seem upset with me sister whatever did I do?” she asks.

“You’ve probably done a lot so I’ll send you a list some other time.” I tell her sarcastically.

“I’ve done a lot? That’s funny cause it seems to me sister you’ve got some of your own stuff to atone for.” she says.

“Why would I need to atone I only hurt those who hurt others, I didn’t murder innocent people.” I say.

“It doesn’t really matter what you say anyway, you won’t be alive much longer to stop me.” she tells me.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” I say as she starts forming a huge fireball in her hands and sending it towards me. I quickly pulled out the sword I was given by my father and blocked the flames sending it back to them, hitting one of her soldiers and burning them to death. I could only hope James was starting the plan now.

James’s P.O.V.

The plan was now in motion. I had wolves on both sides of the enemy army as well as  ones that were going to come up behind them. Our plan is to kill as many as possible with our first four troops, ones from the front, back, and sides. I was going to lead the second wave of warriors into battle, while Mason leads the first wave of troops.

I was still preparing all of my soldiers for the second part of the battle. I knew it was going to get bloody, probably the most gruesome I would ever see. But if it meant that everyone would be safe, it was a risk I was willing to take.

I heard pained howls, signaling to me that the fighting had begun. I had the troops I was leading spread out through the forest to make sure nobody got away. 

Third Person’s P.O.V.

As James was leading troops 5-8. Mason and Jade were leading 1-4 fighting Viridiana’s army. When there was suddenly a huge blue light flash over the now dark sky. This light caused all the warriors, but two to collapse on the ground those two were Jade and Viridiana. 

“I figured you would pull something this foolish sister.” Virdiana chuckled lightly.

“Considering you’re the one saying it’s foolish I find this as a win.” Jade said fiercely.

“You think a little light show is all it takes to defeat me, You must really be more naive than I thought sister.” she replies

“Who said it was supposed to defeat you, that was only a distraction.” Jade says as her eyes turn multiple colors before stopping on the color red.

“A distraction for what, another magic trick, you forget sister that I myself have powers too, and do you want to know what those powers are?” Viridiana asks Jade. Soon her eyes turn silver, as Jade falls down to the ground helplessly. Viridiana whistles and James’s body comes over as she uses magic on it making it weaker and weaker by the second. “You might not know it Jade, but you have one major weakness. This werewolf you call a mate, he doesn’t make you strong like you think he just makes you even weaker than you already are.” She says before blasting him with a bolt of lava.

“NO!!!!” Jade screams out in agony. Soon her eyes flash different colors until all her powers fuse together her eyes the color Comet grey. A hooded cloak around her leather outfit. A long silver sword in her left hand purple fire in the other the hood of the cloak falls down. She unties the cloak from around her neck revealing two large black wings connected to her. The fire that was in her hand now covers her whole body as it glows blue, her wings gaining red edges as her hair turns green. This is what had become of her when her mate was injured no longer did she think before doing. She didn’t care that it was her sister she was at war with and it had now become personal. She wanted her dead if it was the last thing she did.

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