Chapter 12

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James's P.O.V [Time jump cause I'm lazy af]

It's been three weeks since Jade was kidnapped, we've hardly made any progress my beta, Mason has been trying to gather all the information he can. Meanwhile, Jayden has been having fits of anger, that's why right now I'm standing in my office with my desk shredded into a million tiny pieces. I need Jade back in my arms where she's safe, where I'll never let her go ever again.

Jade's P.O.V [When she first got kidnapped]

I woke up with three shadows hovering over me.

"Oh god, finally the bitch is awake." A male voice says. Then I see three male bodies walking towards me. All of them holding a weapon of some sort, and the next thing I know I can't see.

Jade's P.O.V [After being there for three weeks]

I don't know how long it's been, I thought James would have found out I'd been kidnapped by now. I haven't seen anyone for about two days. Except for the occasional guard doing his rounds or something, which not gonna lie, I'm happy about the fact that I haven't seen many people. But I just feel off, like they're planning something big, I need to warn James. But how?, I'm chained to metal bars inside of a cell. And it's not like they're just gonna give me my phone back. If only there was a way to outsmart them. Then it hit me, and now I'm not talking about an idea. I mean a pebble, it literally hit the back of my head.

Suddenly the door opened, I quickly put my head down and pretended to be unconscious. Then I felt the chains on my arms being loosened, I looked up only to see a ghost. I mean it had to be there's no other way I could see my dead brother helping me get out of these chains.

"W...Who are you?" I asked the person, still not sure if I was hallucinating or not.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help and keep your voice down." He whispered.

"Bu," Before I could even finish what I was saying he covered my mouth and pulled me behind a corner. Then I noticed a guard walking past. then the person quickly pulled me into a small room and turned on the light. That's when I could clearly see that I was just having a hallucination of my brother, I mean this guy looked nothing like him, my brother had brown hair, this guy has dirty blond hair, my brother had green eyes, this guy has silver eyes and he's also way taller than my brother was, he must be at least 5'10. 

"Quickly we don't have a lot of time, while you were unconscious they put a tracker in your neck, we need to get it out." He pulled out a pocket knife and a pair of tweezers and tried coming near me.

"Woah there buddy. Hold up I don't even know who you are, I'm not letting you near me with a knife." I said in a do I look stupid tone.

"Very well, my name is Apollo, I'm your familiar, right now I'm in my human form." He told me, all I did was look back at him with a blank stare on my face.

"Fam- What, sir I think you're a little confused, especially because I have no clue what the hell you're talking about," I said very loudly.

"Shut up, we need to keep quiet. I'll explain later, right now we need to get that tracker out of your neck and hightail it out of here. Trust me, I promise I'll explain later. But for now, just listen, and do exactly as I tell you, got it." He demands, I then nod my head and let him cut open my skin to where he used the tweezers and pulled out the device.

"Now come on we don't have long before they realize you're missing." He took my hand and dragged me behind him leading me down different corridors in the building before we finally got outside. Then he pulled me into some bushes.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Now this." He said before throwing something on the ground, causing something to pop up. And based on my si-fi knowledge based on the t.v. show The Flash, it looked like a portal to another universe or another dimension, honestly, I'm not sure.

Before I knew it, the portal thing sucked us both in and closed right behind us. Then a portal opened on the other side of us and pulled us out. Pulling Apollo out first, then me. We both landed face down on the ground. Because I was used to injuries I quickly stood up and brushed off all the grass and dirt off of my jeans and shirt. Then Apollo stood and did the same.

"Apollo, where exactly are we?" I questioned.

"Jade, welcome to Narnia."

"Wait really?" I asked.

"No," he replied.

"God, you're annoying." He said causing me to punch him in the shoulder.

"Oh yeah, how's that for annoying," I said glaring at him.

"I brought you here, don't make me take you back." He threatened.

"Whatever asshat," I said rolling my eyes.

"No but seriously, where are we?" I asked.

"Jade, welcome to Dorvale."  

"Great, and what exactly are we doing here, I don't know about you, but I need to get back to James. To help him figure out what those assholes are planing." 

"Don't worry time works differently here, I'll train you here for a month, but there it'll only be a day. Now follow me, the queen is expecting us."

"Umm, excuse me did you say, queen?" I ask while chasing after him.

"Yes, she's waited for centuries to meet you."

"Umm, okay then."


Umm, hi guys it's the author here, what do you think of the story now. I don't know about you guys , but even I was shocked, I didn't really know what I was doing for this story, but now I know exactly where this is going, comment what you think is going to happen.

Signed the Author

Sarah G


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