Chapter 21

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Viridianna’s P.O.V

I was running through training drills, when I felt a strong surge of energy run through me, causing me to collapse on the ground. I felt so weak, so vulnerable. I tried to stand up, but I instantly fell back down.

“The time has come.” A voice said to me in an ever so soft tone. 

“Now is the time to destroy your enemy.” It told me. I then got to my feet and grabbed a sword from the weapons rack. Watch out Jade, cause I’m coming for you.

Jade’s P.O.V

After me and James spent the whole day together we finally went to bed at midnight. Once drifting off into my dreams I felt a cold air around me. Something wasn’t right, it seemed off. That’s when I heard it I heard a voice. “Go you must, the battle is coming, go to the forest. You must train.” the voice whispered in my ear. 

Next thing I know I woke up in a cold sweat. I quickly got out of bed, I changed into a black hoodie and grey ripped jeans before putting on my combat boots and heading outside to the forest.

 As I finally got outside I saw a light, not just any light, a light that seemed all too familiar. It came closer, and that’s when I saw it, it was a Dorvalian fairy. I read a book about them at the sisters house when I was training there. But what was a Dorvalian fairy doing way out here? Especially by herself, Dorvalian fairy’s travel in groups of four.

It started flying into the forest, so I followed it.

When it finally stopped I noticed I was under a weeping willow tree. And I saw three more fairy’s next to the first.

“Welcome Violetta, I know you might be confused so let me explain. My name is Lucy I'm your water fairy, the one in the green is Anna she's your earth fairy, and in the grey is Destiny she's your wind fairy, and the grumpy looking one in the red is Crimson she's your fire fairy. We are here to help you train for the battle with your sister. We're gonna help you learn to master your abilities, any questions?” After she stopped talking I remembered something that I read in the book about all Dorvalian witches having fairy’s.

“I just have one comment. I think I'm gonna faint.” I say.

“Now, now there’ll be no time for that. We must start your training.” Next thing I know a force field of ice surrounds the tree that I'm under. Then the one in the green, Anna I think her name was came towards me and helped me to cause a small earthquake. After that Lucy the first fairy who was also in the blue came over and helped me summon a beacon of light. Then Destiny helped me with the black smoke coming out of my hands.

“Wait, I have a question. Do these abilities have names?” I asked.

“Well of course they do silly. The black smoke is black magic, the blue smoke is sacred magic, the green smoke is earthly magic.” Lucy says.

“Okay, but what about the purple fire?” I ask her, causing them all to gasp.

“Okay what is up with the gasping?” I ask.

“Well’s nothing, hm just only a select few Dorvalian witches have Purple magic and those who do usually have red magic as well.” Destiney says.

“Okay, but what do all those do and why do only a few have purple and red?” I ask them.

“Well you see Purple magic is really powerful and it can be very destructive. Purple magic is very old and also its powerful magic. Red magic well that’s different. You see here are the forms of magic number one the black is black magic basically what most evil demons and witches use. Number two purple magic it's a powerful magic, and very destructive. Number three blue, blue is sacred magic, very old and only used by angels or royal wiches. Number four green and obviously that’s earth magic, usually it’s only used by Dorvalian Monks, but Dorvalian witches can possess it too. And last but not least red and it’s deadly magic. Even a slightly red touch can kill almost anything. And those are the five main magics of Dorvalian witches. But I’ve never met a witch with all five. Three occasionally, but most of the time they are lucky if they can even cast spells.” Lucy tells me.

“Okay one, how is any of this obvious, and two this is a lot to process, so I am going to go take a nap. I'll come back later when I’ve had a chance to process this, so see ya.”  I say before using my Vampire speed to run into the house and go back to mine and James’s room.

“Jade where have you been? I’ve been worried, you went somewhere without telling me.” James says concern plastered on his face. 

“I’m sorry I was just...getting a glass of water.” I tell him.

“You had to get dressed to get water?” He asks.

“Umm...okay so I may have gone on a short walk.” I say scrunching up my face hoping he believed my little white lie.

“Jade, something could have happened to you, you should have taken me with you.” He says before sitting down on the bed and sighing. I walked over to him and straddled his waist. 

“I’m sorry I just didn’t want to wake you. You looked so cute sleeping. You were like a puppy just too adorable.” I tell him then place a sweet gentle kiss on his lips.

“That’s no excuse, that was reckless of you something really bad could have happened.” He says.

“But nothing bad happened, I’m fine. Besides, I can protect myself, thank you very much.” I say, then go downstairs and into the kitchen to get something to eat.


I know I said something big was going to happen, but I got writers block I'm just now getting over it, So the something bit will be in another chapter.

Don't forget to read some of my other books and SashaNichol's as well as Silvia_Belle's too, thanks.

Signed the Author.

Sarah G

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