Chapter 8

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The picture is James.

Jade's P.O.V

Once James finally sets me down I instantly start on all my questions. 

"Okay, first of all, I can walk myself, and second of all where are we, third tell me everything I need to know now or I swear I will slap you upside the head boy," I say well more like yell to him.

"Has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you get bossy because right now you look adorable." He says while grabbing me by my hips tightly. 

"Has anyone ever told you how bad I can be when people don't answer my questions," I say firing right back at him. I look at him really sternly then he just bursts out laughing at me. Seriously, he's laughing at a time like this, okay, he's really in for it now. Like seriously how dare he I'm over here trying to be serious and he's laughing at me, it's like he wants me to burst into tears. Well, if tears are what he wants, tears are what he shall get. Ask and you shall receive.

As soon as he stopped laughing I started crying, well obviously it was fake nothing really makes me cry anymore. I am pretty sure the crying is working because, boy was he falling for it, damn is this boy gullible or what.

"What's wrong, baby?" Be asks me, oh gosh he's more gullible than I thought. I couldn't hold my laughter back any longer. I burst out laughing at how gullible he is. Oh my goodness I swear it's just too easy. He then notices that I'm actually laughing at him.

"Were you faking this whole time." He asks me seriously.

"Yes, but in my defense, it was too easy. Like taking candy from a baby, your that gullible." I say causing him to pick me up and throw me over one of his very muscular shoulders like I'm a backpack. So me being the very logical person that I am I decided to pinch his cheek, and no not the ones on his face. Earning me a very low growl and a pinch on my own ass. 

"Ouch damnit," I say as he pinches me.

"Baby if you don't want me pinching that fine ass of yours, don't start things like that." He whispers into my ear after setting me down.

"Don't pick me up and I won't have to." I fired right back at him. Then as soon as he turned away from me, I slapped his ass for revenge. Then I quickly tried to get away and for once I succeeded. 

"Just remember my little Tigress. Payback is a bitch." He says while walking towards me. Just when I'm about to run he uses his werewolf reflexes against me. He then carried me bridal style towards the bed in the room we were in and started tickling me.

"St...sto...hehe..okay, okay okay I...I won't do it again" I say I between laughs as he tickles me.

"I'll stop on one condition." He says ready to negotiate."

"Okay, what is it," I asked rolling my eyes at him.

"You have to give me a kiss." He says while smirking.

"Okay deal," I say then I peck his cheek sweetly.

"I'm still waiting." He says in a husky yet cute voice. 

"And I already gave you a kiss, on the cheek," I pause once he looks at me weirdly.

"What you never said how long it had to be, or where it had to be," I said while folding my arms over my chest and smirking at him.

"Okay fair enough, but wouldn't this be better." He says, then stands up from the bed, stalking towards me and slamming his lips down on mine harshly. Once our lips are connected he deepens the kiss and bites my lower lip asking for entrance to my mouth. And me being the dominant person that I am denied him access. But he didn't give up, he gave my ass a tight squeeze throwing me off guard, he then stuck his tongue inside my mouth while I gasped at the audacity of him. I decided it was best not to let a good kiss slip away so I joined his tongue in the kiss. Both of our mouths dancing together, our tongues moving in sync with the other ones, both of us fighting for dominance. But in the end, he won, but on the bright side at least I know his tactics for next time so I can win dominance over his. He then pulled us out of the kiss so we could both get some air. 

"Now isn't that better than that silly peck on the cheek my little tiger." He says while lifting my chin up so my eyes meet his. His eyes are even more captivating than I realized, they're like a pocketwatch extremely hypnotizing like I'm serious they are that beautiful, perfectly perfect. I saw a small tiny hint of black in them at that very moment so powerful so strong, yet really lustful and hungry for me. 

"We should probably go to bed." He whispers in my ear knowing I'm in his trance. 

"Uhh...yeah we uh we should go to bed," I say following him to the bed and lying down on it and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.


Hey guys the author here, just wanted to say a few things, first of all thanks for reading this book, second of all sorry for not updating as often on this story it's just I was a little preoccupied finishing the BADBOY OR THE JOCK and if you haven't already read it, you really should because I'm actually really proud of it. And another reason I haven't been working on this a lot is because I have been super busy with having driving lessons with my mom, and school and for some reason I have to have a social life, I mean like what, what's up with that. Anyways that's all I wanted to say see ya peace.

Signed the Author.

Sarah G

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