The world of Agios Argyra -CH 1

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In a world...

There are 12 realms of existence to put it simply. - Agios Argyra is a land that exists on the 3rd level.  Zorisia is the main country in which our heroes live in ancient times very much like ancient Greece.

There is also modern-day Earth where their parallel lives exist in the future. There is a world similar to ours with smartphones and such but have no World Wide Web/internet and lots of hologram technology. However, they fly with magic instead of fuel. Magic is still a science. The people here have all got the power to harness magic at its basic level and potential. If you want a better understanding of magic and more impressive control of magic you have to go to magic school ( university level/ college-age accessible only). Everyone has a commandment of the elements in a basic state and is taught how to harness them safely.

Their power is innate. There was a point in time where not everyone could use magic but magic-users stopped being persecuted and it became a part of life.  

Stronger magic users who are adventurers and people who attend magical school for further study have weapons and potions to augment their power. For a magical being their power comes from their Chi, from food energy. Using too much will make a person burn out and pass out, sugary food can help revive them. 

Overdoing spells by using elemental powers and teleportation can have more dire effects like nosebleeds and nerve damage issues. Smaller spells don't take much toll. A large one is best channelled through another source.

The 2nd realm of existence is in  Hell. Hell is where the powerful monsters are trapped and Lucifer - Lucian and his team make sure that they don't bring chaos to the lower realms, which comes with a price.

In the first realm, there are just basic things that no one understands like gravity and the rest of the laws of the universe. Nothing living exists in this realm, from what is understood.

The third is the humans and other magical creatures.

For the rest of the realms, you can learn about them in a magic school. There are many magic schools with different specialities and organisations.

The angels live in the 7th realm where they get orders from the 12th realm where God resides.

The angels have rules sort of imposed on them by God, mostly they follow them as Lucian was made an example of and is heralded as the punishment of what happens if they break the rules. The angels have the smallest say in their lives about what goes on. There are things that are taboo otherwise everyone would do it and things that shouldn't exist would exist, the angels can mess with the natural order with too much free will because of how powerful they actually are... Their main job is to be the guardian of things and protectors. Sometimes they get other jobs to be healers and impart wisdom to others.

Their main jobs are to maintain the realm like gardeners and make sure things grow and don't break.

The angels subscribe to the 7 soul types.

The names reflect the natural purpose and proclivities of each angel type:

Servers are naturally accommodating, caring, nurturing, hospitable, and charitable.

Artisans are naturally creative, inventive, imaginative, playful, and decorative. 

Warriors are naturally forceful, loyal, protective, determined, and steadfast. 

Scholars are naturally curious, studious, academic, analytical, and neutral. 

Sages are naturally engaging, articulate, charming, entertaining, and expressive. 

Priests are naturally inspirational, uplifting, motivating, energising, and visionary. 

Kings are naturally commanding, assured, powerful, authoritative, and decisive.

Their personalities are completely linked to these, they rarely have an exceptional personality, however, if angels of the warrior class spend enough time with humans they gain the caring and empathy traits and may even learn humour, angels rarely comprehend humour...

Now, most humans can't see the angels unless they are physic. If they aren't psychic they can feel the presence of their guardian angels if the angel chooses to calm them or protect them. The only time humans are aware of angels at all is if they have attended magic school, or alternatively, if they researched hardcore and found a really good book on the topic called: Touched by angels, by Sophia Lorelei, which teaches you everything about angels and interactions with them. (It while accessible, is pricey and not everyone has a need for it or knows the benefits of the book.)

Most angels have very little use for humans to connect with them anyways and so the books on Demonology sold out better. The demons would give you knowledge or power to achieve whatever you desired in life. Sometimes it requires selling your soul or being in service to the demon in some way shape or form... Depends on the demon's needs and price, also the magic's price...

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