Thruce- Confession

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"Banner!" Thor yelled while running into the lab.

Tony looked up from what he was working on while Bruce messed up on his writing, startled by Thor's outburst.

"What's going on point break?" 

"Yeah, is something wrong Thor?" Banner asked with concern in his voice.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out to the mall with me" A big smile spread across the Gods face.

Bruce blushed as the brunette smirked, he knew what Thor was planning.

Thor has had feelings for Bruce for quite awhile, He always liked how fascinated the scientist was when it came to things he enjoyed, he adored his smile and loving eyes. He wanted to tell Bruce how he feels but didn't have much courage to do so. He confided in the mechanic about his feelings towards him. Tony assured the asgardian that Bruce feels the same but Thor has to find out himself.

"I'm kinda swamped here in the lab Thor, i-im not sure if I can-" 

"He would love to go," Tony interrupted Bruce. "Go ahead I'll handle things here" 

"Are you sure? Because I know we still need to-" Thor lifted Bruce and put him on his shoulder. "Man of Iron says it's alright, let's go!" Thor ran excitedly while being careful with Bruce. 

"Thor you don't have to carry me!" 

"Why not though? It's much faster this way!"

"But-" Bruce stopped his own protest knowing very well that Thor isn't gonna listen so he sighs in defeat but with a little smile forming on his lips.

They entered the mall, Bruce already being put back to the ground once they were at the entrance. Bruce looked up at Thor.

"Why did you want to go to the mall?"

Thor looked back at Bruce and smiled "To spend time with you of course" Bruce blushed at that.

They explored toy stores, candy shops and finally the clothing store, Bruce having checked out some button up shirts while Thor got attached to a purple sweater. 

"You really like that sweater huh?" Bruce asked as Thor put on the sweater. 

"Yes, I do, it's soft and matches your shirt actually" Bruce blushed at the fact that Thor wanted to match with him, 'it's actually really sweet'.

After paying they walked out of the clothing store with two bags. They walked for a little bit and Thor caught sight of the food court, the scientist taking notice. "Wanna get something to eat?" The god nodded happily and went to get some Burgers. 

They soon found a table and sat down, they began to eat and soon finished after a few minutes. Bruce giggled at the sight of Thor, he had some crumbs and ketchup on his beard. 

"Thor you got yourself dirty" Bruce quickly got a napkin and cleaned the mess off the blonde. Thor started to blush a lot.
"Thor are you okay?" Bruce started to think that maybe Thor was starting to get a fever.

"Yes but if I don't tell you something I've been longing to say then I won't be". 

Bruce gave him a confused look "Then why don't you tell me? I'm sure whatever it is I'll understand". He gave the god a reassuring smile.

"I rather not tell you here, maybe somewhere more quiet" Thor thought for a while till it hit him. "Let's go to the park!" He stood up excitedly.

"Alright let me just grab the bags" Bruce picked up the bags making sure everything was still inside. Once he was sure he turned to Thor "Alright I think I'm rea-" Banner was cut short by Thor lifting him up bridal style. That made the scientist blush a lot. "T-thor what are you doing?" The Asgardian didn't answer and rushed out of the mall.

It took a few minutes but they finally arrived at the park, Thor went on a small hill and placed Bruce down on the floor. He then sat next to Bruce very close. There was a perfect sunset and Thor thought that now should be the perfect time to tell Bruce how he truly feels about him. 

"Bruce" Thor turned facing Bruce and held his hands, looking him in the eyes. "Thor?" 

"Bruce i... I have very strong feelings for you, I like you more than a friend. Everytime I see you I get what you midgardians call 'Butterflies in my stomach'. I like how much you care and how sweet you are. I like when you smile and laugh, it makes me happy when you're happy. I like how beautiful your eyes are and how fascinated you get when you're doing your science stuff. You're always so nice to me and I think you're the most beautiful, fun and amazing person I've ever met". 

Bruce smiled and had tears fall from his eyes, he didn't realize he was crying. Thor cupped Bruce's cheeks and wiped his tears with thumb "what I really wanna say is that I love you Bruce Banner, would you like to be my boyfriend?" 

Bruce chuckled softly and wiped what was left of his tears
"Of course, I really love you too Thor Odinson"

They both leaned in slowly and soon shared a loving kiss. They wanted this moment to last forever but they eventually had to pull away since breathing is something you have to do. They placed their foreheads together, 

'This has been the most happiest day of my life'

They both thought as they looked at each other, admiring the beauty of one another.

2 hours later 

Tony has been in the lab all day. It took what felt like forever but he was finally finished. He felt like he deserved a drink and went upstairs. When he made his way up he noticed a sleeping Thor and Bruce cuddled together on the couch while holding hands. The brunette smiled at the sight and left to get a blanket. He soon found one and placed it on the sleeping couple. The mechanic then turned around and left so they could enjoy their slumber. 

The genius chuckled as he left and said "I told you so" he grabbed a bottle and headed down to his lab again.

Tony was happy that Bruce found love.
Bruce was happy to be with the love of his life.
And Thor was happy to finally call the scientist 'his'.

Today was a day neither man would forget~

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