IronStrange - Uptown Boy

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(SongFic Story of the song Uptown Girl by Billy Joel, Where Tony is your regular auto mechanic while Stephen is the nice rich man who wants someone different. Art above was done by TheDanielHd, I had made a commission request to them for this and I'm completely in love with it!)

"Are you sure about going...Downtown? I dont think it's safe for someone of your class"
Wong said with worry.

"I wanna see the rest of the town. View things I've never seen, I'm sure it's lovely. Who knows maybe I'll find someone I'd actually like."

"Actually like? Nonsense there's plenty likable men here"

Stephen scoffed.
"They're all conceited snobs. I want someone nice and caring"

"But they're rich!"

"I don't want someone who's selfish and thinks I'm after money"

Stephen looked at the view from his balcony of his mansion. He knew somewhere out there, further on, was the man he's looking for.

Suddenly a Black Zimmer rolled in Stephen's property and a male with Raven hair stepped out with the biggest Bouquet of Roses in his hands.

The man looked up and smiled.
"Stephen please do consider dating me!"

Stephen rolled his eyes.
"For the last time Laufeyson, no I will not"

"He doesn't know what he's saying!"

Stephen hissed.

"What? He's perfect and will soon take over the Odinson company"

"I dont care-"
An idea popped into Stephen's head. He smiled and said
"You know what, your right"

Wong said, feeling a little surprised.

Stephen looked down from the balcony.

"I'll be down soon!"

Loki had a big smile on his face but will soon be disappointed. Stephen planned on leaving. He made sure he wasn't noticed, and left out of his garage.

"Oh where are those keys"
Stephen asked himself.

"Looking for these?"
A man said smiling as he rattled the keys.

Stephen sighed in relief.
"James you almost had me worried"

James Barnes was once like Loki, doing whatever it took to win Stephen's heart. But unlike Loki, Barnes actually knew when to stop. He actually understood Stephen more than others. The two eventually became friends and Stephen had even introduced James to his now current boyfriend Steve Rogers.

"Planning on leaving?"

"Yes I want to go Downtown"

James grinned.
"Really? Never thought you of all people wanted go there"

"I just wanna see what it's like"

James raised an eyebrow.

"And what?"
Stephen asked playing dumb.

Barnes gave him the 'are you serious' look.

"Oh c'mon Stephen there's obviously more to this"

"Who's Stephen?"

James kept the same look with a raised eyebrow and Stephen sighed.
"I wanna look for a Downtown man, I'm tired of these Uptown men"

James walked up to Stephen and smiled.
"Then what are we waiting for?"

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