IronStrange - Bloody Love

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-Vampire Tony, Mpreg Stephen

Warning: There will be smut, look for the first '¶' to know when it starts and the second one to know when it ends. Hopefully I did good at it.

Edit: Also informing that I read online and apparently it's okay to have sex while pregnant so there you go -Ta Da!-


"No please!"

The victim cried as Tony sunk his teeth into their neck. Not caring how much blood was taken.

In this area of New York during the night vampires roam the streets. So if your out and about, buying cigarettes or coming out to go to a strip club then you better be fucking worth it to have your blood sucked to death.

Curious Tony took out the victims wallet from his pocket. No not to steal money but to see who this person was.

"Hmmm....Scott Lang, Aw you have a daughter. Oh well that's what mommies are for"

The blood sucker said in a non remorseful tone. He discarded the wallet, Put on his hoodie and went about his night.

"Sucked any good blood tonight?"

A dark figure, who also was in a hoodie, walked next to Tony. Fellow Vampire T'Challa, he and Tony were friends and would timely chat some nights when given the chance of availability.

"Oh yeah, the last guy I bit was delicious. How about you?"

"He was alright, I had better with that Sam guy from last week"

Tony shrugged.

"It's getting harder and harder to find some good blood around here"

T'Challa had some information regarding Tony and wanted to chat a bit before just straight out saying it.

"Your going to fall in love"

He blurted out and Tony stopped in his tracks.


So much for not going straight forward.

"Me fall in love? Pfft unlikely"

Tony Stark, night time blood sucker, had no family. He's orphaned, Parents having died many years ago. Tony was turned this way by an unknown Vampire who he never saw again. He never really found love, not even when he was alive considering he's practically undead.

Question being you're probably not or are asking, how does T'Challa know he's gonna fall in love? An unlovable creature like him. Well some Vampires are granted abilities and T'Challa's were being able to know what could be in someone's future. A fortune teller you would say minus the false fortune, fake cards 1and cigarette smell.

"What Creature could I possibly fall for? There's no vampire around here I find acceptable and if it's a werewolf that's a definite hell no from me. I can't handle the shedding and fleas from those gross furballs"

T'Challa fiddled with his hands as he responded.

"Well that's the thing... It's not exactly a creature you fall for but they are different from us and for his case different from his own kind, someone of innocence"

Tony crossed his arms feeling impatient.

"Well don't leave me in suspense, tell me what this thing is?"


T'Challa took a few steps back.

"-is something you must find out for yourself when you find your zing"

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