WinterFalcon- not so hidden feelings

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"Steve I can't find the plums" 

"Have you checked near that stand over there?" 

"I've searched there already and nothing"

Steve, Sam and Bucky were shopping at a nearby Farmers Market. Steve wanted to get peaches while Bucky wanted plums, and Sam went ahead after they arrived.

"Hey Bucky look what i got!"

Bucky and Steve turned to see Sam with a bag

There were plums inside. 

Bucky smiled and went up to Sam

"Did you find those for me?" 

"Course Buck, wanted to save you the hassle on finding them yourself" Sam said giving a warm smile

"Thanks Birdass" Bucky blushed a little 

Steve smiled at the two, he can tell they feel something towards each other. He's known for quite a while and wondered when one of them was gonna make the first move, but he knew in time something would eventually happen.

After having bought some fruits they all headed back to what used to be just Sam's house and now they're shared house, he had no problem with letting Steve and Bucky live with him. 

As they went inside, Bucky went to the bathroom to take a shower while Steve and Sam took the fruits out of the bags so they could be put away.

"Hey Steve?"

"Yeah Sam?" 

"Can I ask for your advice on something? I-it's not for me it's for uh, it's for a friend" 

Steve had to hold back a smirk, he knew what he was gonna ask and that it wasn't for 'a friend'

"Sure, what is it?" 

"Well this friend of mine likes someone, as in more than just a friend but their not quite sure how to tell them"

Steve couldn't take it no more "Sam I know for a fact that you like Bucky"


"You shouldn't be worried or nervous, I can tell he likes you too"

"He does?" 

"You really haven't noticed?"


The three were in the living room 
Steve was on the couch watching Tv 
Sam was sitting in one of the chairs on Steve's left, reading a book
Bucky was in the other chair across from Sam, brushing his hair

Bucky was struggling with his hair it had a knot he couldn't get out

Sam looked up from his book, noticing Bucky was having a hard time with his hair
"You need help Buck?" 

Bucky blushed and nodded 
"Yes, please"

Steve had a smirk on his face but neither of the two had noticed 

Sam sat up and walked up to Bucky and stood behind him. Bucky passed the brush to him

"Alright if I hurt you let me know and I'll try to be more gentle" 

Bucky nodded and waited for the pain of hair being tugged but it didn't come. Sam had held his hair above the knot softly and brushed quick but soft. To Bucky it felt really nice and Sam couldn't help but think how nice and pretty Bucky's hair was. Soon enough Sam was finished brushing

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