Supreme Family

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"Peter? Tony?" The sorcerer was floating through the halls of the tower, having returned from sorcerer business.


Stephen quickly rushed over to Peter's room. "What's going on?" 

"Kid saw a spider in his room so I'm trying to get it...right now save a blaster" 

The spider was up on the wall near the ceiling 

Stephen sighed "Peter your Spider-Man how can you be afraid of a little bug?"


"Wizard, mind giving me a hand with the bug?" 

Stephen laughed a little, even if the spider wasn't way up high Tony still wouldn't be able to reach. "Oh I don't think so, you got this though honey"

The mechanic glared at his magical significant other and then glared at the spider. He then raised his blaster at the spider and blasted it a couple of times "TA DA!" a hole was formed and small pieces of the wall fell down

"What was that on saving blasters?"

"Spiders gone isn't it?" 

"Thanks iron dad but what about the hole?" 


On it sir

Strange looked at Stark with frustration written all over. "Why just why?" 

"You're upset aren't you? Tell you what, why don't we all go out for a family dinner huh?" The ravenette sighed as the brunette walked over to him laying his head on the sorcerer's shoulder "I'm really sorry Stephen pleeeeeaaaasssseeeee forgive me" the genius looked Stephen in the eyes and Stephen carved in and smiled. 

"Iron dad uses puppy eyes on Dr dad, It is very effective" peter laughed a little after saying that

"Alright you're forgiven" Stephen kissed Tony's head.

"Well let's get a move on" the brunette quickly walked out of the room as the sorcerer playfully rolled his eyes and soon followed his short boyfriend along with Peter.

They all walked to a nearby fast food restaurant to get burgers, Stephen made an exception to eat one this one time.

Stephen and Peter sat at a table while Tony went ahead and got their food. On the way to the table he accidentally bumped to someone, the genius apologized but the stranger ignored him. The stranger had on a hoodie so Tony couldn't tell if he had upset them but soon shrugged it off. 

They happily ate together and talked about Peter's school life to just joking around

Stephen's phone vibrated indicating that he had received a text

"Its Wong I have to go" 

"Aw do you have to?" 

"Yes, I'll be back soon" 

He hugged Peter and gave a peck on the lips to Tony. 
Stephen created a portal and soon disappeared.

"Come on kid let's head home, we could watch a movie if you want?" 

Peter smiled "I'd like that very much"

Tony and Peter had made it to the tower. The teen went over to the television. The mechanic made his way to the kitchen to prepare some popcorn. 



Tony rushed to the living room to see his son and an unfamiliar figure, he had his arm around Peter's neck and a gun on the other, right on Peter's head

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