Stucky - The next step💍

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Requested by: TheBalladOfHelena :)

Today was the day Steve had been waiting for.

Valentine's day.

Steve knew that when he got his second chance at having Bucky in his life that he'd want to spend the rest of his life with him. That's why he had something very special planned for the chocolate haired beauty.

He first had some plans set up for him and Bucky to go on.

The blonde slowly and quietly got out of bed so as to not disturb his lover. He took a quick look at Bucky, always looking so beautiful in the morning and went to the kitchen to make his love sone breakfast.

Steve had made sausages and pancakes along with adding a side plate of fruits. He set it on a tray, with a small vase that had a rose in it and a glass of orange juice. He carefully made his way back to the bedroom.

Bucky yawned as he sat up, soon surprised at what Steve had in his hands.

"Happy Valentine's day Bucky"

Steve placed the tray on Bucky's lap and kissed the top of his head.

"Oh Steve, this is so sweet of you... thank you"

Bucky enjoyed every bite of the breakfast, Steve's cooking was amazing. Once he finished Steve put the tray aside and took Bucky's hands in his.

"I have a whole day planned for you and me so go get ready"

Steve kisses Bucky's forehead and goes to get himself ready. Once they had finished getting dressed they headed out of their apartment building.

Steve offered his arm to Bucky who gladly linked him with the blondes.

"Such a gentleman"

Bucky said as he leaned his head on Steve's shoulder.

Steve planned on taking Bucky to the park first. On the way there they came across a puddle that was at the beginning of the walkthrough the street. Steve being the kind gentleman he is, took off the jacket he was wearing and put it on the puddle.

"Steve you didn't have to do that"

"Nonsense, I wouldn't want my doll to walk on a wet floor"

Bucky blushed and Steve linked his arm with his own and continued their walk.

Soon the two had made it to the park. It was a nice place to take a walk and admire the beauty of nature. While for Steve and Bucky it was the perfect place for them to enjoy each other's company. Eventually Steve saw a man in the distance selling bouquets of roses.

"Wait here"

Steve kissed Bucky's cheek and quickly went over to the flower man.

The man saw Steve was heading his way and smiled.

"Buying flowers for someone you love, young man?"

Steve smiled back.

"Yes, I just wish I could give him all the flowers in the world"

Steve paid the man for the flowers and the man handed the blonde the flowers and responded.

"There's not enough flowers in the whole wide world to show your love for this man though huh?"

Steve sighs happily.


"These red roses don't just only mean love. They also mean passion, beauty, grace and respect"

Steve shot the man one last smile and a thank you before heading back to Bucky.

Bucky kept his eyes on a couple walking with their child between them, each of them holding each other's hand. He had hoped Steve and him could have that someday.

Bucky snapped out of his thoughts when his view was covered with the color red.

"Steve they're beautiful"

Bucky took the roses carefully and smelled them.

"Not as beautiful as you doll"

That earned the blonde a blushing Bucky.

Soon after their walk Steve took Bucky to Baskin Robbins to get their one of their largest cups they had of chocolate milkshake and two straws.

Oh yes they did the most cliche thing ever but as sappy as it was, it was real sweet and romantic. Bucky couldn't help but smile every moment Steve's eyes were looking at his. He always adored those ocean blue eyes of his. Steve held Bucky's hand and intertwined their fingers together.

Bucky couldn't be anymore happier. This whole day was just gonna be him and Steve. And so far it was going absolutely perfect. Steve always knew how to make Bucky feel so special.

After some chatting and finishing the tasty shake. They left the market. Steve thought it would be nicer to have dinner at the apartment, they could be alone together and not worry about too much people. Bucky completely agreed, it's better for it to be just the two of them.

Steve said he'd make spaghetti since it was a romantic meal. After getting all that was needed for spaghetti along with some wine to drink. They made their way back to where they called home. It's home as long as you have someone to share it with.

Bucky insisted he helped Steve with the dinner. Together they made spaghetti, though it took awhile longer since they played with the sauce by smearing it on their faces.

As the water boiled the spaghetti and the sauce, separately, they turned on the ol radio and started slow dancing together. Songs from their past played and all of this made them feel like just for a moment they were back in the 40s.

Bucky put his head on Steve's shoulder.

"This has been the best Valentine's day ever.."

Steve smiled.

"It's not over yet doll"

Later enough the spaghetti was finally done. The two were able to sit down and enjoy dinner. The bouquet Steve gave Bucky earlier was the centerpiece. From moment to moment they chatted, ate, fed each other and had a few kisses now and then. The radio playing music is still at a low volume.

After finishing and giving their stomachs some time to digest. Steve knew it was time. He got a plate of cookies and told Bucky he had to choose one.

Bucky thought that was a bit silly but went with it anyways and chose the one from the top of the cookie pile. He could've sworn he saw something shine in that cookie, so he broke it.

He was shocked at what fell out of it and quickly examined it.


Bucky cut his own self off when he saw Steve go down on one knee.

"Bucky we've been through so much together. After everything we've faced then and will in future. No matter what I will always be with you till the end of the line...Even though you and I are technically old now. Everytime I'm with you, you make me feel so young. I could go on and tell you all that I feel but there's always the rest of our lives for that-- James Buchanan Barnes, will you marry me?"

Bucky felt tears fall down his eyes, this was the most beautiful moment ever. He felt so happy- so touched that Steve wanted to marry him.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you!"

Steve smiles and puts the ring on Bucky's finger and the two shared a loving kiss.

"Happy Valentine's day. I love you Bucky"

"I love you too Steve, Happy Valentine's day"

They leaned in and shared another kiss, this was the beginning of the rest of their lives.

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