Deadpool x my OC!

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Got to try out one of my OC's in a role-play! Also in this universe Peter is Wade's ex and is now with Quentin Beck so the merc's all >:( at first


A boy with golden blonde curls and ice blue eyes was coming out of a bookshop with a small stack of books with a comic or two heh. His name was Kyle Anderson and to just about everyone he looked like any normal teen but what people didn't know was that he was a mutant. He found out at a young age, much to his parents' horror. Since the age of 12 he grew up alone with no one but was always kind and sweet to those he would encounter. Anderson didn't want anyone to know what he was, fearing that anyone would want to harm him or worse. He also wore a mauve sweater, it was his favorite color. After having walked a few steps from the shop he bumped into Deadpool, causing the teen to fall back to the ground and dropped his books.

Wade was still in a rotten mood from sitting through that lovey-dovey flight with Peter and he turned to glare at whoever dared disrupt his jealousy. “Oh!” He smirked at the sight of this little cutie and bent down to pick up his books. “Comic can I see, I collect some myself...” he handed them to Kyle. “Here you go, cutie.”

Kyle stood up and took his books from the Merc with a blushing face. "Thank you..." He took a look at the man he bumped into and instantly took into admiration at his suit. "I love your suit" he smiled brightly. "Seems familiar"

"Maybe you've heard of the merc who runs this town," he grinned more as he checked out this blonde. "Name's Deadpool, hottie. May I know yours?" he smirked more.

"Oh" Kyle smiled brightly. "I've heard of you, nice to meet you" he blushed more Wade had called him hottie. "My name's Kyle.." he answered shyly.

Wade smirked and stepped forward slightly, feeling more into him. He was very similar to Peter in his cuteness. “Say, you have anything going on tonight? Maybe you’d like to hang out or something~”

"Oh well" Kyle thought about it for a moment. "Sure, I'm free" he smiled sweetly. "What would you like to do?" He asked with innocence.

Wade sighed, feeling like he’d found his next “Peter”. “Hang out, I dunno I’m shit at these date things...” He mumbled something to the writers who weren’t keen on another relationship. “Uh... dinner?”

Kyle's blush grew on adorable cheeks. "Sounds good to me...I'll be looking forward to it," he smiled. Anderson has never really been on a date before, and this guy seemed really nice.

“Great. I’ll meet you at Freddy’s let’s say... eight?” Wade also felt more hope, still trying his best to ignore the writers.

"Perfect.." Kyle smiled brightly. "I'll see you tonight then Deadpool" he hoped that the date would go well and that Wade was as nice as he seems to be. Anderson liked the mystery of this man who didn't show his face nor reveal his real name, but of course he wasn't going to push it.

Soon it was eight and Wade was nervously sucking down a milkshake at Freddy’s waiting for Kyle. It wasn’t exactly fancy but he didn’t want to scare him off.

Eventually Kyle did show up, wearing a more salmon color sweater. He stepped inside and went over to Wade. "Oh jeez I hope I'm not late"

Wade hiccuped like he was surprised he showed up and almost fell off his chair. “Oh no no no don’t you worry sweet boy I just needed a bit of a head start,” he gestured to the milkshakes. “Get anything, on me...”

"Oh how sweet of you" Kyle smiled and sat down next to Wade. "A cookies and cream milkshake is fine, it's my favorite" he looked at Wade with those icy blue eyes of his.

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