🧙🏻‍♂️Loki- halo hween?

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"What are you two up to?"
Loki said as he entered the living room of Avengers Tower. He came from asgard to pay a visit to his friends and brother.

"Ah Good evening brother. We are putting up the decorations" 
Thor said as he finished hanging the last bat on the ceiling. Tony was holding the ladder Thor was on so he wouldn't fall.

"Is it the Christmas you've talked of before? Seems much darker than how you put it" 
The trickster asked while looking around at the decorations.

"No it's another holiday the midgardians celebrate called Halloween, its today"
The blonde God explained as he got down from the ladder.

"It's a fun time for everyone but can also be scary, Muahaha"
Tony faked an evil laugh.

Loki raised an eyebrow.
"Is that a threat?"

"No Reindeer games its-"

"Uncle Loki!"
Peter shouted as he ran up to hug the God.

"Hello Peter"
Loki happily hugged back.

"Kid, good thing you're here. Maybe you can give Loki an explanation on Halloween"

Peter let go from the hug and looked at his god of an uncle.
"You don't know what Halloween is?"
Loki shook his head.

"And soon you will"
Tony said as he walked out of the living room to head to his lab along with Thor.

"Good Luck young Stark"
Thor yelled before leaving while Loki just stuck his tongue out at him.

"What would you like to know about Halloween?"
Peter sat on the couch as the God did the same.

"I suppose everything there is to know about this h-halo hween"
Loki said thinking he pronounced it right.

"What'd you say?"
Peter asked, confused.

"Halo hween? Halo hween, yeah"

"You mean Halloween"
The teen raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Halo hween"
Loki said, sounding sure of it.


"Halo hween"


"Halo hween"

"Uncle Loki you're saying it funny, theres two "L"s and one "H" in it" 

"What do you mean? Of course I'm saying it correctly, halo hween. There's a lot I don't know about it"

"Hold on, hold on. Say 'haa'"


"Now say 'luh'"


"Now 'Ween'" 


'He has to have gotten it now'
Peter thought.
"Now say Halloween"

"Halo hween"


"Halo hween"


"Halo hween"

Peter narrowed his eyes.
"Your sitting on chocolate"

Loki gasps and sits up, the back of his outfit has melted chocolate.

Peter took Loki to a costume store so the trickster could choose whatever he wanted to be.
"Now on Halloween kids and adults wear costumes, you can be whoever you want. There's a mummy, a vampire, a doll, a...."
The teen just rambled on about the many options Loki could choose from but the God didn't pay attention and just wandered off.

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