A You Story!/IronStrange

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A/N: This is my first you story so hopefully it's good. :)

Plot: In this story you are the (Son or daughter) of Doctor Strange and Peter parker is the son of Tony Stark. You and Peter have been friends for a long time and eventually you two plan on bringing both your dads together.


You woke up to the sound of glass shattering and thuds, yet you're unphased by it, especially by the next sound.


That's just the sound of your dad making breakfast and by the sound of it it's what your dad calls 'squid surprise'. You already know that it's alien food but he likes to make things fun for your sake.

You get up and dress up in your cloak and head downstairs to the kitchen where you see Wong forcefully try to close the fridge.

"Ah good morning- hold on"

With a grunt and a hard push Wong finally got the fridge to shut.

"There we go. Good morning (Y/N)"

You smile as you respond.

"Good morning Uncle Wong. Where's my dad?"

Wong pointed at the floor where Doctor Strange laid.

Then your dad floats behind you in his astral form in attempts to startle you but-

"Nice try dad I know you're behind me"

Strange pouted and went back in his own body.

"You used to not expect that"

"Well I have been learning from the best. I'm gonna leave for school already"

Your dad then holds a bowl of random alien food.

"Not gonna eat breakfast?"

You shook your head.

"No thanks besides I told my friend I'd go to take us to school"

Strange smirks.

"Its that Peter kid, isn't it?"

"Yes and I know what your thinking but me and him are just best friends alright"

With that you hug your dad and then Wong and create a portal to Stark Tower, where Peter lives.

"Bye love you!"

"Love you guys too!"

You enter the portal and close it.


Peter yells happily as he goes to hug you. You indeed hug him back.

"Ah always nice of you to magically show up"

Tony said with a smile as he approached towards you and Peter.

"And a good morning to you too Mr. Stark"

You politely greet.

"Kid I've told you. Call me Tony"

"My dad says it's quite rude to call an adult by their first name"

Tony chuckles.

"Got a strict dad, I see. Well you two better head off to school"

School was alright. You hung out with Ned, Peter and MJ. As usual Flash was being an asshole to Peter and once again you had to resist not portaling him to an island. However you did make his phone disappear.

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