Three Best Friends

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Steve had gotten back to his apartment (to which he shares with Sam and Bucky) the blonde was putting the groceries he had gotten away but then soon heard Sam yell

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Steve had gotten back to his apartment (to which he shares with Sam and Bucky) the blonde was putting the groceries he had gotten away but then soon heard Sam yell. 

"Give me the remote!"

"No way I had it first wilson" Bucky sticks his tongue out.

"Oh act your age!" 

"If I did then maybe you'd know to respect your elders" 

"Pfft the only elder I respect is Steve, your just a super ancient geezer" 

Bucky gasped "How dare you!" 

Rogers walks into the living room which is where the two were currently in. "Guys seriously? Just choose something you both like and leave the remote be" 

Sam sighed "Fine...hmmm..." the falcon smirked "How about Sergeant York, remember it buck? Oh right of course you do"

Bucky grabs a pillow "that's it!"


Being near Buckys and Sam's tensed yet playful antics is basically most of Steve's life, he cares for his friends; they're idiots but they're his idiots and he wouldn't want it any other way

The three men were now eating dinner, Steve had made some meatloaf.

"Hey Bucky can you pass the salt?" Sam asked

"Yeah sure" the brunette moved the salt further away from Sam.

Steve gave a serious look. "Really?" 

"It's fine cap" Sam gets up to get the salt but Bucky moves it again, while smirking.

"I hate you" 

"Same here pigeon" 

"What did you call me?"

Steve face palms.

Bucky, Sam and Steve were watching The Incredibles.

Bucky scoffed "they could've chosen a better color to wear, I really dislike red" 

The falcon chuckled "Me too" 

Bucky gave a surprised look "I'll be right back" He ran into his room

Minutes later Barnes came back out in a red shirt and pants, striking a pose

Wilson was wide eyed and Steve just wasn't surprised.


The three men were at the mall, exploring and seeing if they wanted to buy anything

Rogers spotted a clothing store mannequin that was wearing a nice blue sweater

"I'll be back guys" 

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