👻The Avengers- Stories and Spirits

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"And then the man slowly approached the fridge.....he opened the fridge to find..." Thor looks at the others and pauses for dramatic affect.  "NO POP TARTS!"

Everyone groaned.

The team went out to the woods and set up a camp. They thought it was a fun idea and didn't hesitate on going. They all had sat around a campfire and have been telling scary stories.

"Alright it's my turn now" Clint said as the others waited for him to continue. "My son told me this one" Clint threw in some sort of powder into the fire so it could make more smoke, for scary effect.

Peter got himself comfortable, he couldn't wait to hear more stories. Natasha prepared herself for what she assumed would be a weak story. Bruce and Thor started eating marshmallows. Steve was smiling, feeling like a happy camper who was between Bucky and Sam. While Tony had his arms crossed, he was the only one that didn't want to be out. Frankly he rather much be in his lab but Peter wanted him to go and he just couldn't say no to the kid.

"A student was walking home from school late at night. Her walk came to a halt when meeting a female ghost who was wearing dirty pink pajamas and limping. Apparently she was looking for her baby."

Clint smirked and continued. "Scared, the student simply points in a direction in order to create distance between her and the ghost. The ghost goes about in the direction. The student turns the other direction to leave but then hears the ghost lady yell....SHE'S NOT HERE!"

Thor felt a little scared but mainly at the sudden outburst.

"As the girl starts to run away, the ghost rapidly chases her and quickly catches up with her, at which point the student faints. When she is woken up by a neighbour the next day, she finds out that a woman in her district had committed suicide the previous night after losing custody of her child" Clint felt a little proud of the story he chose till he heard someone clapping slowly. 

It was of course coming from the black widow. "It was alright, sad but not scary. Not even the old people here are terrified of that, no offense you two" She was referring to the two super soldiers.

Steve looked a little frightened. "N-none-none taken"

Sam was comforting Steve while Bucky started to realize what Natasha said. "Did you call us old?"

Natasha sighed. "Okay someone tell a story that's worth scaring Cap"

Clint pouted.

Peter then spoke up. "I know a story, I read it from a book. Its kinda long but I think I can make it short"

Tony nudged Peter and smiled. "Well What are you waiting for then, tell it kid"

"Okay so a farmhand named Jim falls for his boss' daughter. But the guy wanted someone better for his child, so the farmer sent his daughter away. The separation destroys Jim and he dies, which goes unknown to the young woman"

Peter looked around and made his voice sound a little more scary. "So, she doesn't think it's strange when he appears at her door telling her that her dad wants to see her. They ride back on a horse, she gives him a handkerchief, and they make it back to her dad's place. However, Jim disappears and the woman's father explains what happened to his former employee.  They look in on the horse, who was covered in clay......and then dig up the corpse which looks as you might expect, except....the corpse was clutching her handkerchief in his cold, dead hand!" The teen let out an evil laugh.

"Wow that was actually really good" Natasha said while smiling. 

Clint just pouted, the story he told startled him at first. Then again it was a video. The assassin's eyes widened.

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