Love triangle

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Requested by: JiaWen495 hopefully it's good. Now who will Tony choose? As of right now only jia and me know lol


Bucky quickly went past Steve through the schools hallway with a bouquet of flowers which made the blonde sigh.

"I know I'm your best friend and all but being as such I think you should just give it a rest, you won't win at this"

The brunette quickly opened his locker and looked in the mirror he had in it.
"Oh I think I still got a shot"

"You really think you can compete with a wizard? Who let's not forget is very intelligent when it comes health and medical stuff"

"Big whoop!" 
Bucky scoffed and walked off happily to find Tony. He soon found the mechanic in his natural habitat, the science room. The brunette's smile disappeared when he saw that the wizard, Stephen Strange, was already there. 

"They're beautiful Stephen" 
Tony happily said as he admires the roses. 

"I thought I'd get you something that reminds me of your beauty"
Stephen showed his charming smile.

Bucky coughed, interrupting the two's moment.

Tony turned and smiled at him, gently putting the roses on his work table. "Hello Bucky, is there something-" he cut himself off when Bucky showed the flowers he had brought, a blush on his cheeks. "Oh Bucky.." 

Bucky rubbed the back of his head and looked elsewhere. "I-i know it's not much but-"

"They're wonderful, you're so sweet Barnes" Tony gave Bucky a smooch on his cheek. 

Bucky blushed and while Tony wasn't looking Stephen and the super soldier glared at each other. It's been a war for Tony's heart for about a month. They both would use charm and gift buying to win the mechanic over. They'd help Tony by holding his books, opening doors and what not. Basically being themselves but it makes it hard for Tony to decide and when he does he'll feel bad for the one he didn't choose.

Tony had told the two to leave him for a while as he works on a project that's due the next day. It's been a good ten hours as usual, working on the project at home. He hardly sleeps of course, with coffee in the world why would he ever need sleep? 

Next day after school Tony was at his locker putting away some books.

"Hey Tony" 
Bucky said cheerfully as he stood next the shorter male. Tony was good at not making it obvious that he didn't get much sleep so it went unnoticed. 

"Hello Barnes"
Tony smiled.

"I was wondering if you weren't doing anything after school?"

Tony thought about it for a moment. He could always finish with the project when he gets home. 
"I'm free"

Bucky smiled brightly. 
He took Tony's hand and hurried to the schools front doors. The mechanic quickly finished his coffee and tossed it into the trash. While also seeing Steve who they passed by. 


"Bye Steve!" 

Bucky shouted as they went through the doors closed along with Tony shouting 'hey Steve!'. The blonde sighed, he wished Bucky would just listen sometimes.

The super soldier had taken Tony to have something to eat, watch a movie and talk. He figured that spending time together would bring them closer. It was working quite well, he was even a gentleman to the mechanic. Using his jacket for Tony to walk on over a puddle. Giving compliments and sweet talk. Along with sharing a milkshake Together. Tony was happy that day but of course felt tired when it ended. He actually got some rest that night. Of course the fun wasn't over, for the next day he was getting a visit from Stephen.

After school the next day

"Finally finished" 
Tony sighed in relief and shut his notebook and tidies up the lab equipment. His expression changed to confusion when he saw a butterfly, a blue one to be specific, land on his shoulder.

"Well Hello there…" 
Tony smiled at the insect.

"Hello yourself" 

The mechanic gasped and turned around. There stood Stephan Strange. Tony relaxed, almost thinking that lack of sleep was making him hear butterflies talk.

"Oh Stephen it's you, what's with the surprise visit? Not that I don't like it just, you know"

Stephen chuckled lightly.
"I know it's sudden but I came to see if you'd like to go right now"

Tony giggled. 
"I'd love to Strange"

The sorcerer took Tony to the park, where they walked, had a nice picnic and quite the conversation. They've talked for so long they didn't realize it was getting late. Even though Stephen can make portals they walked to Tony's home instead, their hands holding each other's. The two felt something strong between them, something that connects them and makes them feel whole when together. 

After having spent some time with Bucky and Stephen, Tony knew who he was gonna choose. 

Two days later he called up the two men and asked to meet him in the park. When Tony made it he wasn't surprised at all that the Sorcerer and super soldier were arguing. It took the two a whole minute to realize that the mechanic was watching them. They stopped their bickering and gave their full attention to the shorter brunette.

"Now... I've called you two here today because…" Tony fiddles with his fingers nervously for a bit. "I know who I want to be with.." The mechanic sighed. "Just know that whoever I choose doesn't mean I don't care about the other any less"

Stephen and Bucky nodded in understanding.

"I chose….Stephen.."

It was hard for Tony to say it because he knew it would hurt Bucky's feelings. Bucky was sweet but they didn't have much in common. However It wasn't his reason why he didn't choose the super soldier. When Tony spent his time with Stephen he realized that they both came from an early life to which they were careless and maybe even selfish but through a big change in their life they both better themselves. Having them become the good people they are now.

Bucky sighed but smiled sadly. 
"The better man had more of a shot"

Stephen felt a bit bad and extended his hand to him.
"No hard feelings?"

The super soldier shook his hand.
"No hard feelings...but hurt him and I'll end you" 

Tony hugged Bucky before the soldier left the two alone. The mechanic leaned on Stephen's chest. The Sorcerer held him. 
"I understand that this wasn't easy for you Anthony.."

The brunette nodded.
"At least he doesn't hate me.." 

Stephen gently had Tony look at him and caressed his cheek.
"You are impossible to hate.." 

The mechanic smiled softly at him.

They shared a sweet kiss which sealed and officialized their relationship. They will love and care for each other for the rest of their lives.

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