Parksborn - Cupid's Drama😍

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Requested by: KillKit, I don't know why but it won't let me @ them. You asked for Spidey anything so I bring you Harry x Peter >:3. Also I made up villain and she will be in this. It's also based on a role-play me and Tiny_BigMan had. Enjoy!

Harry made his way to his favorite person, his best friend and boyfriend-


He shouted excitedly and hugged Peter. They were both in nice suits, Peter also wearing a bowtie which looked adorable.

Harry had asked Peter to go out on a date for Valentine's day. He was taking Peter to a nice restaurant, it was a romantic way to spend the afternoon.

"Are you ready for our date?"

Peter blushes.

"As ready as I'll ever be"

They made their way to the restaurant. Harry was so gentleman-like to open the door for Peter and scoot his chair in when Peter sat down. Soon they had made their orders along with a drink of champagne.

"I'm so glad to be out on this date with you"

Harry placed his hand on top of his boyfriend's.

"Me too Harry. This was really sweet of you"

"Anything for you"

Peter smiled at Harry. He loves Harry so much.

Before Peter was worried about his double life. With Harry loving Peter but hating Spider-Man it was hard at first. Though eventually and by accident too Harry found out Peter was Spider-Man. Harry stopped his hatred for Spider-Man and Peter felt more relaxed.

Some things have gotten a bit crazy for the two at times. Reporters making a big deal that an Osborn was gay and possibly seeing two people (Spidey/Peter). Norman catching Harry kissing Spider-Man. Also having found out Harry's father was the goblin and later passed away. Peter almost loses Harry because of Mysterio. Just this once they wanted to have a normal day to themselves.

Of course that wasn't going to happen.

"I love you Peter and I'll never love anyone else"

Peter blushes.

"Not even your favorite foods?"

Harry giggles.

"Those are just foods, I love you way more"

Peter smiled and the two were about to share a kiss but the waiter showed up with their orders.

They ate and talked about some things. Like for Harry he talked about how he's handling Oscorp while Peter talks about school and how Aunt May was doing.

Soon after a while during their meal Harry felt like something just shot him in his back. It hurt at first but quickly went away as soon as it came. He suddenly felt really different.

What hit him was an arrow but not just any kind of arrow.

Harry looked at Peter and felt so much deep love for him.

"Your my all Peter"

Harry said with so much love and admiration.

Peter giggles as Harry continues.

"I really do- you're just so loving and perfect. I could just squeeze you"

Peter blushed a lot.

"You really are- I just love you so so much"

Harry had literal heart eyes and Peter quickly took notice.

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